Page 64 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 64

1                                                Core network aspects

            The aim of this Supplement is to introduce the scenarios and use cases of DAN, which provides a technical
            context  that  is  expected  to  be  useful  for  discussions  on  architectural  requirements  of  DAN  in  further
            documents to be developed, and also to clarify the roles and interactions of the various types of DAN entities
            for services delivered via DAN.

            The set of the scenarios and use cases is not intended to be exhaustive, but sufficient enough to provide an
            understanding of DAN operation. Currently, this Supplement includes a set of use case scenarios: 1) content
            dissemination;  2)  sensor  networking;  3)  vehicular  networking;  4)  automated  driving;  5) networking  in  a
            disaster  area;  6)  advanced  metering  infrastructure  (AMI)  in  a  smart  grid;  7)  proactive  video  caching;
            8) in-network data processing; 9) multihoming; and 10) traffic engineering. It may be updated as new use
            cases are identified as being helpful in understanding the operation of DAN or in deriving its architectural

            7       Service scenarios

            7.1     Content dissemination
            This service scenario describes DAN as a cooperative caching architecture for efficient content dissemination.
            This service provides users with fast and reliable access by distributing content to ubiquitous caching points
            located close to users. Moreover, due to the context awareness of DAN, each caching point can easily adapt
            the content in terms of the given context from users, and serve it to them accordingly.
            DAN can be deployed either by content distributors, e.g., content delivery networks (CDNs), or by network
            operators, e.g., internet service providers (ISPs). While content distributors aim to make a profit by providing
            delivery services for content providers, network operators deploy DAN mainly to reduce transit traffic or
            improve quality of service (QoS) for users.
            For the distribution of content files, either the DAN operator actively pushes popular content to caching
            points to deal with some events, e.g., flash crowd, or contents can be passively cached at points along the
            downloading path while being pulled from the requester. Routing mechanisms in DAN are responsible for
            directing  users'  requests  to  appropriate  caching  points.  The  routing  mechanisms  also  interact  with  the
            distribution mechanisms in order to keep content at caching points up-to-date.
            Figure 7-1 depicts a sample scenario for content dissemination service using DAN.

                                        Figure 7-1 – Content dissemination using DAN

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