Page 1160 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1160

2                                                 Transport aspects

     Blank clause

            This clause is intentionally left blank.
     ODU experimental overhead (EXP)

            Four  bytes  are  allocated  in  the  ODU  overhead  for  experimental  use.  These  bytes  are  located  in  row 2,
            columns 4 and 14 and row 3, columns 13 and 14 of the ODU overhead.
            The ODUk contains one instance of ODU EXP overhead. The ODUCn contains n instances of the ODU EXP
            overhead, numbered 1 to n (EXP #1 to EXP #n).
            The use of these bytes is not subject to standardization and outside the scope of this Recommendation.

            An experimental overhead is provided in the ODU OH to allow a vendor and/or a network operator within
            their own (sub)network to support an application, which requires an additional ODU overhead.

            There is no requirement to forward the EXP overhead beyond the (sub)network; i.e., the operational span
            of the EXP overhead is limited to the (sub)network with the vendor's equipment, or the network of the

     ODU reserved overhead (RES)
            For the case of an ODUk, eight bytes and one bit are reserved in the ODU overhead for future international
            standardization. These bytes are located in row 2, columns 1 to 2 and row 4, columns 9 to 14 of the ODU
            overhead. The bit is located in row 2, column 3, bit 8 of the ODU overhead. These bytes are set to all-0s.
            For the case of an ODUCn, eigth bytes and one bit in the ODU OH #1 and thirteen bytes in the ODU OH #2
            to #n are reserved for future international standardization. These bytes are located in row 2, columns 1 to 2
            and row 4, columns 9 to 14 of the ODU OH #1 and in row 2, columns 1 to 3 and row 4, columns 5 to 14 of
            the ODU OH #2 to #n. The bit is located in row 2, column 3, bit 8 of the ODU OH #1. These bytes and bit are
            set to all-0s.

            15.9    OPU OH description
            15.9.1  OPU OH location

            The  OPU  overhead  consists  of:  payload  structure  identifier  (PSI)  including  the  payload  type  (PT),  the
            overhead associated with concatenation, the overhead associated with the mapping of client signals into
            the OPU payload and the overhead associated with the hitless adjustment of ODUflex client signals. The
            OPU PSI and PT overhead locations are shown in Figure 15-26.
            The  OPUk  contains  one  instance  of  OPU  overhead.  The  OPUCn  contains  n  instances  of  OPU  overhead,
            numbered 1 to n (OPU OH #1 to #n).

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