Page 863 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 863

Table D.1 – Evaluation index system of SSC

              No.      First‐level index      Second‐level index                Third‐level index

                                                                    Complete rate of policies and regulations
                                            Policies and regulations   Guidance capability of policies and
                                                                    Complete rate of information standards
                                              Specifications and    Complete rate of equipment standards
               3       Support system                               Complete rate of technical standards

                                                                    Proportion of related publicity and training
                                                                    personnel in overall population
                                              Personnel training    Quantity of employees in smart industries
                                                                    Percentage of population with college
                                                                    degrees or higher in total population
                                                                    Proportion of new energy vehicles
                                                                    Proportion of digital energy saving in
                                            Green city (developing   buildings
                                              more scientifically)
                                                                    Declining rate of energy consumption per
                                                                    ten thousand Ren Min Bi (RMB) of GDP
                                                                    Satisfaction degree of network resources
                                                                    Convenience degree of traffic information
                                            Liveable city (managing   Convenience degree of government
               4    Value implementation
                                               more efficiently)    services
                                                                    Convenience degree of urban medical care
                                                                    Convenience degree of educational
                                                                    resource access
                                                                    Satisfaction degree in food safety
                                                                    Satisfaction degree in environmental safety
                                             Safe city (live better)   Satisfaction degree in traffic safety

                                                                    Satisfaction degree in prevention and
                                                                    control of crime and security

            ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications                                                  853
   858   859   860   861   862   863   864   865   866   867   868