Page 77 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 77

Ref.     Category          Definitions/Features           Key concept/            Source
               No.                                                        Keywords

                5    Academic      The Cellular City Compact, diverse,   Urban, technology,   Massachusetts
                                   walk able and attractive cities are a   desirable features,   Institute of
                                   luxury, but they should not be. The   shared electric   Technology (2014)
                                   City Science Initiative at the MIT   vehicles, adaptable
                                   Media Lab is exploring technologies  living environments,
                                   to help develop cities that facilitate  flexible work places,
                                   the creation of desirable urban   compact urban cells,
                                   features, such as shared electric   elegant design,
                                   vehicles, adaptable living        connected,
                                   environments, and flexible work   autonomous
                                   spaces.                           adaptable dynamic.
                                   Our goal is to design urban cells
                                   that are compact enough to be
                                   walk able and foster casual
                                   interactions, without sacrificing
                                   connectivity to their larger urban
                                   surroundings. These cells must be
                                   sufficiently autonomous and
                                   provide resiliency, consistent
                                   functionality, and elegant urban
                                   Most importantly, the cellular city
                                   must be highly adaptable so it can
                                   respond dynamically to changes in
                                   the structure of its economic and
                                   social activities.

                6    Academic      Tracing the genealogy of the word   User perspective,   Nam et al. (2011)
                                   smart in the label smart sustainable  user friendly,
                                   city can contribute to an         responsive,
                                   understanding of how the term     adaptability.
                                   smart is being loaded. In marketing
                                   language, smartness is cantered on
                                   a user perspective.
                                   As a result of the need for appeal
                                   to a broader base of community
                                   members, smart serves better than
                                   the more elitist term intelligent.
                                   Smart is more user‐friendly than
                                   intelligent, which is limited to
                                   having a quick mind and being
                                   responsive to feedback. Smart
                                   Sustainable City is required to
                                   adapt itself to the user needs and
                                   to provide customized interfaces.

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