Page 745 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 745

power consumption data that preserves personal information can be given as an example. This
            method converts data to distribution data by considering anonymity .
            Here, as an example, a new anonymizing method for electric power consumption data. This method
            anonymizes data using the following steps. First, this method generates clusters using ‐member
            clustering . After member clustering, the average and width of each cluster can be extracted. By
            using this parameter, existence probability can be generated from the average and width of each
            cluster. At this time, the width is modified to control the anonymization level. After creating the
            existence probability for all clusters, a convolution is given to all clusters. All existence probabilities
            created from each cluster is summed up and transformed the area generated in this summation
            process into 1.

            In  order  to  achieve  DR,  one  major  solution  is  to  change  the  price  of  electricity  or  to  provide
            incentives to encourage customers to change their typical consumption pattern when electricity
            demand is high. Using this anonymized electric power consumption distribution, a DR service can
            be provided without obtaining raw data. From historical power trends of anonymized data, it is still
            possible to predict electric power demand for the next 30‐min interval. When the predicted value
            exceeds a threshold, the system sends a reduction message as a DR message. Figure 9 shows the
            image of the anonymized data of electricity consumption distribution of all houses. In this graph,
            both numbers of houses and power consumption of each house are hidden. In this figure, the DR
            control group is also given, and different DR signal is issued by these four groups independently.
            Namely,  group 4  will  receive  DR  message  with  higher  reduction  than  other  groups  to  observe
            graduated DR for maintaining fairness. This method also reduces the total calculating cost of DR and
            number of messages and occupation throughput of network.

                                        Existence Probability  3.00E‐03
                                                    Group1  Group2  Group3  Group4
                                                 0   200   400  600  800  1000 1200
                                                      Electric Power Consumption

                                         Figure 9 – Threshold value for clustering

            70  T. Hattori, N. Toda; Demand response programs for residential customers in the United States—Evaluation of the
               pilot programs and the issues in practice; March 2011.
            71  Kengo Okada and Hiroaki Nishi; Big Data Anonymization Method for Demand Response Services; ICOMP'14, The 2014
               International Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data, 2014.

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