Page 579 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 579

Box 11. ICTs for climate change adaptation in agricultural sector, Japan

            ICT can provide support in making informed decisions and production management of farmers with
            sensing  network,  cameras  and  cloud  service.  They  can  measure,  accumulate  and  analyse
            environmental  information  such  as  temperature,  humidity,  quality  of  soil,  solar  insolation  and
            amount  of  rainfall  of  the  field.  They  can  also  enable  automatic  optimization  of  environmental
            conditions  in  a  greenhouse  or  informed  decision  of  farmers  for  best  timing  of  harvesting  and
            prevention of epidemic of diseases on fields.

                   Examples of functions in a greenhouse controlled by ICT and related climate events

            Miyagi  Prefecture,  Japan,  installed  a  system  which  is  capable  of  finely  controlling  greenhouse
            temperatures, humidity, sunlight, and other growing conditions by measuring and accumulating
            such data in a cloud to improve production stability and efficiency (See below). This system employs
            the Ubiquitous Environment Control System (UECS) information standard for plant cultivation. UESC
            enables the use of a smartphone and other devices to remotely manipulate devices and equipment
            for controlling temperature, levels of sunlight, and other environmental conditions. This system is
            chosen in terms of low implementation cost, ease of installation and low maintenance.
                             Image of greenhouse environment control by sensors and cloud

            Source: Fujitsu

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