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While Planning for Service provisioning and Network Operations, Demarcation points should be
            clearly defined between RSPs and Network operators.

            Business Users are generally provided GE level connectivity and P‐to‐P connectivity is provided by
            OLTs Ethernet Boards. Redundant connectivity is provided using 2 ports on OLT and it is preferred
            to use single fiber bidirectional solution to save the fiber required for Business Users connectivity.
            To provide connectivity to Business Users MDUs are preferred choice at customer end, as they
            provide abundant types of interfaces for Voice, Data and Video Transmission. In Scenarios where
            end Business user only requires Ethernet, specialized Ethernet switches can be utilized easily.
            The following table contains an example of an Open Access Network design (including GPON).

                            Table 6 – Contains an example of an Open Access Network design

                Classification   Example of Product or                       Description
                   OLT           Infrastructure Access                    Large‐capacity OLT
                                  network equipment
                                 Infrastructure Access                   Medium‐capacity OLT
                                  network equipment
                   ONT         Homegateway equipment      Bridging+voice type, providing two POTS ports and four GE
                               Homegateway equipment              Bridging type, providing four GE ports.
                 Hardware         Service CPU used for      Use the SPUA board for upstream transmission when
                dependency       subsystem for control   bandwidth control at RSP level or at RSP service level is required
                                plane traffic processing            on the upstream ports of the OLT.

            2.5.6   IP‐MPLS Network Backbone Network
            Following section discuss the IP‐MPLS (Converged IP Network) part of the Network. The products
            which support Open Access Network IP‐MPLS Network include:

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