Page 141 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 141

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         3

                                                      Appendix I

              Methods concerning assurance of integrity and reliability of the data produced
                                          by IoT devices during disaster

                          (This Appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

            Ubiquitous  IoT  devices  may  play  a  significant  role  in  people's  everyday  life,  influencing  their
            decisions  and  actions.  Hence,  people  may  depend  on  their  IoT  devices,  in  particular  on  their
            information  and sensor  readings,  as  well as  on  the derived  actions  that  impact  the environment.
            Therefore, the integrity and reliability of data produced by IoT devices are very significant issues
            for the IoT in general.
            The problem with the integrity and reliability of data produced by IoT devices becomes especially
            relevant  during  both  natural  and  man-made  disasters,  where  the  integrity  of  the  IoT  devices
            themselves may not be guaranteed.
            To preserve the integrity and reliability of data produced by IoT devices, it is necessary to establish
            a trusted environment for the IoT devices' operation. For this purpose, it is important to determine
            the  scope  of  liability  for  the  IoT  devices'  behaviour  in  general,  e.g.,  for  any  incorrect  sensor
            readings. There are two methods to achieve this goal:

            1.      the manufacturer of IoT devices is fully responsible for any malfunction of the produced
                    IoT device and guarantees appropriate IoT device behaviour;
            2.      an independent authorized centre is fully responsible for any malfunction of an IoT device
                    under its control (under its jurisdiction), and guarantees appropriate IoT device behaviour.

            The first method is less effective than the second due to the complicated interaction between users
            and the manufacturers responsible for the user's IoT devices, because of the possible variety of IoT
            devices from different manufacturers used within the same deployment area. This problem becomes
            especially relevant during disaster, when the integrity and reliability of the data produced by IoT
            devices  becomes  a  matter  of  protecting  human  lives.  During  disaster,  neither  users  nor  rescue
            services, or IoT devices will be able to make contact with the manufacturer of each particular IoT
            device to confirm the integrity and reliability of its data.

            The second method is much more concrete in that it consists of the establishment of monitoring and
            control centres for IoT devices. These centres will be responsible for the correct operation of the
            IoT devices under their jurisdiction.

            I.1     General overview of a monitoring and control centre for IoT devices

            A monitoring and control centre (the Centre) for IoT devices is an organization, or functional unit
            of  an  organization,  which  carries  full  legal  and  administrative  responsibility  for  the  correct
            operation  of  the  IoT  devices  under  its  jurisdiction.  It  also  monitors  the  IoT  devices  and  stores
            information about operations during disaster. The main goal of a monitoring and control centre for
            IoT  devices  is  to  check  the  integrity  and  reliability  of  information  provided  by  the  IoT  devices
            under its jurisdiction. In addition, the Centre is responsible for prompt notification to users and/or
            owners of the IoT devices if malfunctions of any IoT device are identified.

            In case of threat of disaster or during disaster, the Centre is responsible for:
            •       monitoring the status of the IoT devices under its jurisdiction and their output data (e.g.,
                    sensors' readings);
            •       identifying improperly operating IoT devices and promptly notifying users and/or owners
                    about the malfunctions;

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