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2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                           6. CONCLUSION                       [9].  Rebecca Nthogo Lekoko and Ladislaus M. Semali “Cases on
                                                                  Developing  Countries  and  ICT  Integration:  Rural
           Currently,  NCoRe  system  collects  data  from  the  target   Community  Development”,  IGI  Publication.  September,
           communities  through  interactive  SMS,  as  internet   2011. ISBN13: 9781609601171

           accessibility  and  affordability  is  still  a  problem  in  rural   [10]. Mansell,  R.  (2010).  Power  and  interests  in  developing
           India.  However,  NCoRe  can  easily  be  upgraded  to  the   knowledge societies: exogenous and endogenous discourses
           internet-enabled  interactive  system  to  build  next-  in contention. IKM Working Paper No. 11, 2010. p. 7.
           generation collaborative and responsive communities. We
           are  planning  to  conduct  a  field  trial  with  100  SHGs  by   Robin_Mansell-July2010-final-pdf.pdf
           providing the leader of each SHG a smart phone and free
           internet connectivity for six months. We will train them so   [11]. International  Telecommunication  Union  (ITU).  (2005).
           that they can use NCoRe directly (in their native language)   Tunis agenda for the Information Society.
           as well as perform group chats  in a voice as well as text

           mode  in  their  native  language  using  the  WhatsApp-like   [12]. Björn-Sören  Gigler,  “Informational  Capabilities‟-  The
           platform.  Eventually,  NCoRe  will  become  the  digital   Missing  Link  for  the  Impact  of  ICT  on  development”
           platform  of  the  SHGs,  empowering  them  to  interact,   Working Paper Series No.1, The World Bank,  March, 2011
           collaborate  and  participate  in  the  development  of  the
           community. We conclude with a recommendation that free/   [13]. UNRISD.   (2005).   Understanding   Informational
           subsidized internet access for selective services is a must to   developments:  a  reflection  on  key  research  issues.
           serve the underprivileged in developing countries in order   Conference Report. p. 2.
           to create a vibrant rural community.
                                                               [14]. Alliance  for  Affordable  Internet  (A4AI)  (2013).  “The
                                                                  Affordability Report.”
           [1].  VOICE  (Voluntary  Operation  in  Community  and
               Environment).  “Success  and  Failure  of  SHG‟s in  India  –   [15]. T.  Thileepan  and  K.  Soundararajan,  “Problems  and
               Impediments and Paradigm of Success”. A Report. Planning   Opportunities  of  Women  SHG  Entrepreneurship  in  India”
               Commission, Government of India, 2008.             International   Research   Journal   of   Business   and
       Management – IRJBM Volume VI, December 2013.
                                                               [16]. Neha  Misra  “Problems  Faced  by  SHGs  and  Suggestion  to
           [2].  N. Sreedhar, “Self Help Groups Performance in India” Arth   Minimize It”
               Prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management Vol.1
               Issue 8, November 2012.                            lemsfacedbyshgsandsuggestiontominimizeit/66720/

           [3].  Narender  Kande,  “The  Self  Help  Groups  movement  in   [17]. Chen C., Huang Y., Liu Y., Liu C., Meng L., Sun Y., Bian
               India”,  impatient  optimists,  Bill  &  Melinda  Gates   K., Huang A., Duan X., Jiao B. “Interactive Crowdsourcing
               Foundation, January 08, 2015.                      to Spontaneous Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions”. In:
       IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, 2013.
                                                               [18]. Anubrata   Das, Neeratyoy   Mallik, Somprakash
           [4].  NABARD Report. "Status of  microfinance in  India (2014-  Bandyopadhyay, Sipra  Das  Bit, Jayanta  Basak:  “Interactive
               15)".  information  crowdsourcing  for  disaster  management  using
               new.pdf                                            SMS  and  Twitter:  A  research  prototype”.   PerCom
                                                                  Workshops 2016: Sydney, Australia
           [5].  Savitha  V  and  H.  Rajashekar,  “Evaluation  of  Major
               Problems  Faced  by  the  Members  of  Self  Help  Groups:  A   [19]. Reserve  Bank  of  India.  “Priority  Sector  Lending-  Special
               Study  of  Mysore  District”.  International  Journal  of   Programmes” June 2013.
               Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences (IMPACT:
               IJRANSS) Vol. 2, Issue 6, Jun 2014, 59-64          5&Mode=0

           [6].  International Telecommunication Union (ITU). “The Role of   [20].
               ICT  in  Advancing  Growth  in  Least  Developed  Countries:
               Trends,  Challenges  and  Opportunities”,  Report,  2011   [21].
           [7].  IT for Change. “ICTs for community development in India -
               Going beyond the basic CSC model”. Position paper, 2009   [22].
           [8].  NABARD. E-Shakti portal.                      mobile-phones-for-shg-trainers/article8302327.ece
      , 2015

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