Committed to connecting the world

Goal 3: Sustainability

​​​​​​​Managing challenges resulting from ICT development

Target 3.1: Cybersecurity readiness should be improved by 40 per cent by 2020​.
​Target 3.2: Volume of redundant e-waste to be reduced by 50 per cent by 2020
​Target 3.3: Greenhouse gas emissions generated by the telecommunication/ICT sector to be decreased per device by 30 per cent by 2020

Target 3.1: Cybersecurity readiness should be improved by 40 per cent by 2020

Levels of cybersecurity by region, 2014 Global Cybersecurity Index

ITU has worked with ABI Research to establish a Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), a country-level index which aims to capture each country’s commitment and preparedness in respect of cybersecurity, rather than its detailed capabilities or possible vulnerabilities. The first edition of the GCI shows a high degree of variation between countries and regions in the results. The average rating in the GCI in 2014 was 0.28. The 40 per cent improvement in the GCI required by the target would therefore require this rating to be improved by 2020 to 0.39.

Target 3.2: Volume of redundant e-waste to be reduced by 50 per cent by 2020

ITU, together with the UNEP Basel Convention, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), UNU and ITU membership, has been developing a roadmap for implementing Target 3.2, which aims to establish a policy and regulatory and technical framework to steer production, handling, growth, and innovation in the ICT sector in a sustainable direction.

ITU Member States will be invited to prepare national reports on e-waste, and a report on national e-waste monitoring will be compiled in the following year. This will provide a basis for assessing progress on this target by 2020 and effectively reduce e-waste generation worldwide.

Target 3.3: Greenhouse gas emissions generated by the telecommunication/ICT sector to be decreased per device by 30% by 2020

Global ICT emissions (gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent – GeSI estimates and projections)

Source: UNCTAD (2015), derived from GeSI (2011)

​As with e-waste, ITU, together with its Sector Members and industry associations, is in the process of developing a roadmap to address the challenges arising from these developments and the GHG emissions associated with them.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​