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Study Group 9 - Television and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable networks

Executive summary of the SG 9 meeting
(ITU Headquarters from 26-30 October 2009)

The Study Group 9 meeting was held in Geneva, from 26-30 October 2009 and was attended by 50 delegates from 16 countries.

Following WTSA-08 Resolution 2 (§B.2, Annex B), SG 9 had a joint plenary session with SG 16 and joint experts meetings for the Questions related to IPTV under the IPTV-GSI event.


1.1 Recommendations approved (decision) using TAP (Resolution 1)





Email address
of Responsible person

J.261 Framework for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom and IPCablecom2 networks TD 187 Q8/9
J.262 Specifications for authentication in preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks TD 188 Q8/9
J.263 Specification for priority in preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks COM 9 R-2 Q8/9

1.2 Recommendations consented using AAP (Recommendation A.8)





Email address
of Responsible person

IPTV Client Control Interface Definition TD 162r1 8/9
Perceptual video quality measurement techniques for digital cable television in the presence of a reduced reference TD 168r1 2/9
Reference Algorithm for Computing Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) of a Processed Video Sequence with Constant Spatial Shifts and a Constant Delay TD 215r1 2/9
Functional requirements of the service provider interface for television primary and secondary distribution and associated interactive services TD 229 10/9
J.700 rev IPTV service requirements and framework for secondary distribution TD 161r1 8/9
J.201 rev.2 Harmonization of declarative content formats for interactive television applications TD 218r1 4/9

1.3 Draft Recommendations planned to be presented for consent at the next WP2 meeting (19 March 2010)





Email address
of Responsible person

J.200 rev.1 Worldwide common core – Application environment for digital interactive television services TD 209r1 4/9
J.202 rev.3 Harmonization of procedural content formats for interactive TV applications TD 220 4/9
J.rg-req A Residential Gateway Requirement to support broadcast and IP-based interactive services over Cable Television Networks TD 226 5/9
J.iptvclientpacm IPTV Client Provisioning, Activation, Configuration, and Management Interface Definition TD 163 8/9

1.4 Draft new/revised Recommendations proposed for progressing



Responsible person


Reference documents


J.ftvdf 1/9 Shigeyuki Sakazawa TD 193 2011
J.noref 12/9 Chulhee Lee TD 95 2012
J.bitvqm 12/9 Chulhee Lee TD 214 2012
J.lssys 13/9 Shigeyuki Sakazawa TD 195 2011
J.lasdp-req 9/9 Nhut Nguyen IPTV-GSI-TD 248 July 2010 10/9 Tomohiko Takahashi TD230 April 2011

1.5 Proposed cancellation of several consented draft Recommendations

In October 2006, Study Group 9 consented several draft ITU-T Recommendations. Among them were J.366.2, J.366.3, J.366.4, and J.366.7. Each of these documents incorporated by reference the technology specified within Internet Drafts that have not, as yet engendered sufficient consensus to be published as IETF RFCs.

It was agreed that ITU-T SG 9 will consider at its next meeting, planned for July 2010 the cancellation of the consented drafts for Recommendations J.366.2, J.366.3, J.366.4, and J.366.7 for which no Last Call has been initiated to date. The membership is requested to provide their input to effect a decision at that meeting on the path forward.

2. Revision of Question 12/9

TSAG, at its April 2009 meeting, endorsed the proposed revised Question 12/9 – Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia services within the terms of SG9. SG 9 approved the revision of Q12/9 of which text can be found in COM9-R1 Annex 16.

3. Proposed new Question 14/9

A new Question 14/9 was proposed in order to handle contributions and liaison statements when they are not directly related to Questions already under study. The Question is also intended to provide cross-ITU coordination for the many aspects for which Study Group 9 is responsible and to foster consistency among ITU-T Study Groups, ITU-R Study Groups as well as with other related bodies. Additionally, this Question provides a focal point for Study Group 9 matters such as terminology, ICT and climate change, accessibility, and conformance and interoperability testing.

It was decided to send a Liaison Statement to TSAG (see TD235) for endorsement. The revised Q14/9 is expected to be approved at the next meeting in July 2010.

4. Organization of SG 9

4.1 Setting up of Working Party 1 and Working Party 2

SG 9 decided to set up two Working Parties and to run them immediately. Consequently, the Working Groups which were established and disbanded every time a SG 9 meeting takes place will no longer be set up.

WP1: video transport and quality, relevant Qs: 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13
Chair: Satoshi Miyaji (KDDI, Japan)
Vice-Chair: David Hands (BT, UK)

WP2: terminals and applications, Qs: 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10
Chair: Dong Wang (ZTE, China)
Vice-Chair: Gale Lightfoot (Cisco, USA)

4.2 Appointment of Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs for some SG 9 Questions

The meeting agreed the new appointment of a Rapporteur and an Associate Rapporteur for Q7/9 as well as some changes and additions to Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs for Qs. 2, 3, 4, 8/9.

5. Collaboration with Study Group 16

The joint SG9 and SG16 plenary session was held on 28 October 2009 (09:30-11:00). The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. A. Webster and Mr. Y. Naito. Reports of Joint meetings of Q8, 9, 10/9, Q1/11, Q1, 3, 4, 5, 12/13, Q13, 21/16 during IPTV-GSI events held in June in Geneva and in September 2009 in Mar del Plata were noted. Regarding a proposal for a comprehensive ITU-T publication on IPTV (set of IPTV related deliverables) which was input to IPTV-JCA (Doc.33) by the Convener of IPTV-JCA on behalf of Cisco, the meeting supported this initiative and agreed that SG 9 and SG 16 would start working on it in coordination with the IPTV-JCA.

6. Conformance and interoperability testing in products conforming to J.200 series Recommendations, in particular, J.200, J.201 and J.202.

The Brazilian administration expressed its commitment and to present its full support to SG9’s response to the approved WTSA-08 Resolution 76 (TD 234)

Brazilian administration is prepared to contribute on:

  1. Collecting information about testing activities and testing methodologies according to the Brazilian development
  2. Developing a common understanding of Conformance vs. Interoperability testing
  3. Providing technical assistance to Rapporteurs and editors writing Recommendations for testing Providing technical assistance to Rapporteurs and editors writing test specifications SG 9 noted and thanked Brazilian administration for their commitment. In order to handle this issue, SG 9 appointed an associate Rapporteur (Ms. Faria e Silva, Brazil) under the Question 4/9.

7. Future meetings

7.1 Next WP 2 meeting

China proposed to invite the next WP 2 meeting in Xi’an/Shanghai (TBD) on 19 March 2010 preceded by the joint Rapporteurs’ meeting (Qs. 5, 8, 9, &10/9) and Q.4/9 Rapporteur’s meeting.

7.2 Next SG 9 meeting

Geneva, 19-23 July 2010

7.3 Interim meetings of Rapporteur Groups

The meetings of Rapporteur Groups planned for the interim period before the next meeting of the Study Group are detailed in the table below.


Meeting Objectives

Meeting Date

Meeting Location

Q.2/9, Q.12/9 Progress J.vqhdtv, J.bitvqm 25-29 January, 2010 Boulder, CO, USA
Q.3/9 Progress conditional access related draft Recommendation February (TBD) Seoul, Korea (TBD)
Q.2/9, Q.12/9 Progress J.vqhdtv, J.bitvqm May (TBD) TBD
Q.8/9 To make progress for J.iptvclientpacm and other documents. January 25-29, 2010
Q.4/9 To finalize text of J.200 and J.202.
Initial work for J.hadi.
March 15-18, 2010 Xi’an/Shanghai (tentatively)
Q.5, 8, 9 & 10/9 To finalize text of J.iptvclientpacm, J.rg-req and to make progress for J.lasdp-req, and other documents. March 15-18, 2010 Xi’an/Shanghai (tentatively)


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