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ITU Strategy in relation to Climate Change:
Objective 1

Develop a Knowledge Base and Repository on the Relation between ICTs And Climate Change
While new technologies and ICT applications can contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions, the rapid uptake in ICT devices, notably in developed countries, increases energy consumption and the need to manage the environmentally sound disposal of e-waste. As was the case with the Maitland Commission study in the 1980s demonstrating the relation between ICTs and development, ITU needs to demonstrate the role of ICTs in sustainable development and how they can be a key part of the solution to climate change.

The adoption of clean technologies and their safe disposal can assist both developing and developed countries alike in economic and social development. ITU studies can also demonstrate how new technologies can be designed to be more energy efficient and can develop further evidence of the beneficial role that ICTs can play in combating global warming. ITU will share knowledge and best practices on the clean production and use of ICTs and how they can be used as a tool to assist Member States to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Main Orientations:

  1. Promote a focused approach to development of product and services in areas where ICTs can readily contribute to reductions in GHG emissions, including more standardized power supplies and batteries, smart devices and buildings, new low consumption devices, research and development on consumption and power supplies, use of ICTs in travel management and paperless meetings.

  2. Conduct a systematic review of existing ITU treaties, resolutions and recommendations in the light of climate change and identify requirements for future work.
  3. Conduct and foster further research into the relationship between ICTs and energy efficiency and issue appropriate materials (e.g. a handbook on ICTs and their impact on climate change, a national e-environment toolkit) and organize meetings/symposia on this issue.
  4. Participate actively in major meetings on climate change.
  5. Disseminate information on relevant ICT success stories and best practices, through the ITU website, handbooks, toolkits, etc.

ITU Strategy - More about each objective

1: Develop a Knowledge Base   |    2: ITU as a strategic leader

3: Promote global understanding   
|    4: Achieve a climate-neutral ITU

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Updated : 2011-07-26