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ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Cybersecurity

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ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Cybersecurity

ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

June 28, 2005: Countering Spam
         June 29 – July 1, 2005: Cybersecurity


TuesDAY 28 JuNE, 2005: Countering spam day




Entrance Hall: ITU Headquarters, Room B (ITU Tower Building)


Session 1: Meeting Opening and Welcome (audio archive)

0930 - 1000

Opening of the Meeting


Session 2: Are We Winning or Losing the War on Spam? (audio archive)

1000 – 1100

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography), Chairperson

  • Keynote: Steve LINFORD (biography), Chief Executive Officer, Spamhaus Project, Spamhaus, United Kingdom
    Highly respected in the anti-spam movement, Steve Linford is the founder and CEO of The Spamhaus Project whose objective is identifying and shutting down the world’s worst spammers. Mr. Linford will present an overview of today’s global spam situation and in particular how spam is evolving into a broader cybersecurity issue.
  • Speaker: Luc MATHAN (biography), Spam and Privacy Coordinator, International Public Affairs Department, France Telecom, Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG)
    The Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG) is a coalition of carriers and technology providers dedicated to solving messaging abuse. Mr. Mathan will provide an industry perspective on countering spam.
  • Discussion

Discussion among keynote speaker, session speaker and meeting participants moderated by Session Chair.


1100 – 1130

Coffee Break


Session 3: National Policies and Legislative Approaches (audio archive)

1130 - 1300  

Session Chair: Jean-Jacques SAHEL (biography), DTI, United Kingdom

Session Description: The jurisdictional problems created by the proliferation of trans-border, unsolicited, commercial communications represent a large hurdle. As spam touches on a number of aspects of the law — such as commerce, advertising, criminal law, freedom of speech, and intellectual property — differences associated with the laws of the jurisdictions of the world may prove greater than their similarities. This session will review different approaches of national anti–spam policies and legislation around the world and discuss whether harmonization is possible.

  • Background Paper Presentation: "A Comparative Analysis of Spam Laws: the Quest for Model Law"
    Presented by Derek BAMBAUER
     (biography) Research Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society; Authors: Derek BAMBAUER, John PALFREY (biography), Executive Director, and David ABRAMS, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School, United States
    Background Paper

  • Panellist: Jonathan KRADEN (biography), Staff Attorney, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), United States

  • Panellist: Miguel MONTERO (biography), Spam Ruling Administrator, Radiografica Costarricense (RACSA), Costa Rica

  • Panellist: Liang LIU (biography), Assistant Director, Anti-Spam Coordination Team, Internet Society of China, People’s Republic of China

  • Presentation: Maria Cristina BUETI (biography), Policy Analyst, Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU
    ”ITU Survey of Anti-Spam Laws and Authorities Worldwide”
      Background Paper

  • Discussion

Panel discussion among the above-mentioned panellists and speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



1300 - 1430



Session 4: International/Intergovernmental Cooperative Initiatives in Countering Spam (audio archive)

1430 - 1600

Session Chair: Eric WALTER (biography), Chef du Bureau, Direction du Développement des Médias, Services du Premier Ministre, France

Session Description: International cooperation in countering spam has two main objectives: to promote the adoption of effective legislation and common standards in countries that do not yet have them, and to encourage countries to cooperate with one another to ensure the effective enforcement of applicable rules. While a number of initiatives have been undertaken in the past few years, a coordinated multilateral international framework is still lacking. This panel session reviews some of current ongoing intergovernmental cooperative initiatives in countering spam as well as cooperation between those initiatives.

  • Panellist: John Haydon  (biography) Executive Manager, Consumer and Universal Service Obligation Group, Australian Communications Authority, Seoul-Melbourne Anti-Spam Agreement
  • Panellist: Philippe GÉRARD (biography), Legal and Regulatory Officer, European Commission, EU CNSA
  • Panellist: Maneesha MITHAL (biography), Assistant Director, FTC's International Division of Consumer Protection, London Action Plan
  • Panellist: Tom DALE (biography), General Manager, Strategic Policy Branch, Australian Department of Communications, IT & the Arts, OECD Task Force on Spam
  • Panellist: Robert SHAW (biography), Policy Advisor, Strategy and Policy Unit, ITU
  • Panellist: Shamsul Jafni Shafie (biography), Head, Information and Network Security Department, Monitoring and Enforcement Division, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), ASEAN Telecommunications Regulators' Council (ATRC)
  • Panellist: Augustin IDO (biography), CAPTEF and Francophonie, Institut Francophone des Nouvelles Technologies
  • Discussion

Panel discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



1600 - 1630

Coffee Break


Session 5: Countering Spam: The Way Forward (audio archive)

1630 - 1730

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography)

Session Description: This session will help crystallize different views on countering spam and set down a foundation to help all stakeholders tackle this very important issue, including perspectives on specific next steps.

  • Speaker: John LEVINE (biography), Chair, IRTF Antispam Research Group (ASRG)
    “The Limits of Antispam Technology: A Cautionary Tale for other Cybersecurity Issues”
  • Panellist: Steve LINFORD (biography), Chief Executive Officer, Spamhaus Project
  • Panellist: Luc MATHAN (biography), Spam and Privacy Coordinator, International Public Affairs Department, France Telecom, Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group
  • Panellist: Jean-Jacques SAHEL (biography), DTI, United Kingdom
  • Panellist: Eric WALTER (biography), Chef du Bureau, Direction du Développement des Médias, Services du Premier Ministre, France
  • Discussion

Panel discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



Wednesday 29 JuNE, 2005 – CYBERSECURITY



Entrance Hall: ITU Headquarters, Room B (ITU Tower Building)
  Session 6: Cybersecurity Opening and Welcome (audio archive)

Opening of meeting

  • Chairperson’s Opening Remarks: Deborah Hurley (biography)
    Opening Remarks
  Session 7: Information Sharing of National and Regional Approaches, Good Practices and Guidelines (audio archive)

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography)

Session Description: Critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) developed into a key part of national security policy during the late 1990s, when a new, sensitive problem became apparent: the dependency of modern industrialized societies on a wide variety of national and international information infrastructures. Since then a number of countries have begun programmes to broadly address perceived new vulnerabilities of vital information infrastructures and have proposed measures for the protection of these assets. To combat cybercrime and protect information infrastructures, countries need to have procedures and systems in place for evaluating threats and vulnerabilities and preventing, responding to and recovering from cyber incidents. Sharing of information has been at the center of efforts by both governments and private sector players over the past years to build protection for the underlying critical infrastructures. This session is aimed at sharing insights and strategies to secure cyberspace through looking at different national experiences.

  • Presentation of Background Paper: "A Comparative Analysis of Cybersecurity Initatives Worldwide": Myriam DUNN (biography), Head, New Security Risks Research Unit, Center for Security Studies (CSS), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
    Background Paper
  • Speaker: Mabito YOSHIDA (biography), Director of IT Security Office, Information and Communications Policy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan



1100 – 1130

Coffee Break


Session 8: Information Sharing of National and Regional Approaches, Good Practices and Guidelines, cont’d (audio archive)

1100 – 1300

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography)

Session Description: Continued from Session 7

  • Speaker: Pernilla SKANTZE (biography), Policy Advisor, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), Belgium
  • Speaker: Richard CHEONG (biography), Assistant Director, Infocomm Security Division, Infocomm Development Authority, Singapore
  • Speaker: Adam GOLODNER (biography), Director, Global Security and Technology Policy, Worldwide Government Affairs, Cisco Systems Inc.
  • Moderated discussion between Speakers of Sessions 7 & 8

Discussion among the session speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



1300 - 1430



Session 9: Developing Watch, Warning and Incident Response Capabilities (audio archive)

1430 - 1530

Session Chair: Suresh RAMASUBRAMANIAN (biography), Manager, Outblaze, India

Session Description: This session is aimed at sharing insights and strategies in the establishment of national and regional watch, warning and incident response capabilities. This includes CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams) and/or ISACs (Information Sharing and Analysis Centers).

  • Speaker: Bing ZHANG (biography), Senior Engineer, CNCERT/CC, People’s Republic of China
  • Speaker: Klaus STEDING-JESSEN (biography), Technical Manager,, Brazil



1530 - 1600

Coffee Break


Session 10: Developing Watch, Warning and Incident Response Capabilities, cont’d (audio archive)

1600 - 1730

Session Chair: Suresh RAMASUBRAMANIAN (biography), Manager, Outblaze, India

Session Description: Continued from Session 9

Panel discussion among session speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



  Session 11: Keynote (audio archive)

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography)

Discussion amongst the keynote speaker, other meeting speakers and participants moderated by Session Chair.


Coffee Break
  Session 12: Technical Standards and Industry Solutions (audio archive)

Session Chair: Bill McCrum (biography), Deputy Director General, Industry Canada, Canada

Session Description: In a rapidly changing, technology-driven environment security can no longer be an afterthought, instead, it must be an integral part of network infrastructure design. Security standards are a critical component of communication and information systems and as such standardization needs to be a vital part of a global cybersecurity effort. There is growing recognition at national, regional and international levels of the need to develop, deploy and promote technical standards and policies in order to reduce the vulnerabilities and threats these ICT systems and networks are exposed to. International cooperation in developing new standards is increasingly important, as is cooperation in the implementation of these standards. This session discusses some of the technical standards that have been deployed or proposed related to security, why an increased focus on the development of security standards should be considered and why nations need to cooperate on the development of technologies and procedures for security standards.

Discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



1230 – 1400



Session 13: Harmonizing National Legal Approaches and International Legal Coordination (audio archive)

1400 – 1530

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography)

Session Description: Appropriate legislation and enforcement are two key elements in building trust in cyberspace. The development of cyberspace has made a new environment for criminal offences as online offences. But it may also create problems in the application of the penal legislation. Many countries have made amendments in the penal codes or are in the process of adopting amendments, in accordance with standards and obligations in international conventions and recommendations. This session will review current national legal approaches employed and areas for potential international legal coordination efforts.

  • Background Paper Presentation: " Harmonizing National Legal Approaches on Cybercrime”
    Presented by Stein SCHJOLBERG
    (biography), Chief Judge, Moss District Court, Norway; Authors: Stein SCHJOLBERG, Chief Judge, Moss District Court, Norway  & Amanda HUBBARD, Trial Attorney, US Department of Justice, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Division
      Background Paper


  • Speaker: Claudio PEGUERO (biography), Chief, High Tech Crime Investigation Department, National Police, Dominican Republic

  • Discussion

Discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



1530 - 1600



Session 14: Harmonizing National Legal Approaches and International Legal Coordination, cont’d (audio archive)

1600 - 1730

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography)

Session Description: Same as Session 6

  • Speaker: Richard DOWNING (biography), Project Overseer for Computer Crime, APEC
  • Speaker: Gianluca ESPOSITO (biography), Head, Economic Crime Section, Crime Problems Department, Council of Europe (CoE)
  • Speaker: Tony Rutkowski (biography), Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Verisign  “International Cooperation for the Protection of Next Generation Network Public Infrastructure”
  • Discussion

Discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.




friday 1 july, 2005 – CYBERSECURITY
  Session 15: Privacy, Data and Consumer Protection (audio archive)

Session Chair:  Herbert BURKERT (biography), President, Research Centre for Information Law, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland

Session Description: Creating a global culture of cybersecurity and building trust amongst the stakeholders is needed for security to be improved globally. Privacy and security are both crucial components of trust in cyberspace. In order to create trust calculated steps must be taken and actions implemented in ways to achieve both these goals. Furthermore, these steps and actions need to be executed in ways compatible with fundamental human rights. This session will look more closely at how cybersecurity and privacy can be implemented to achieve trust.

  • Speaker: Alexander DIX (biography), Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Chairman of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (IWGDPT)
  • Speaker: Gus HOSEIN (biography), Senior Fellow, Privacy International
  • Speaker: Valerie STEEVES (biography), University of Ottawa, Canada
     “On the Identity Trail Project”
  • Discussion

Discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.


Coffee Break
  Session 16: Developing Economies and Cybersecurity (audio archive)

Session Chair: Betty-Ellen Shave (biography), Senior Counsel/Coordinator for International Computer Crime Matters, Department of Justice, United States

Session Description: The globally interconnected information network has made it painfully clear that cyber security cannot be effectively addressed by individual nations or even groups of industrialized countries; it requires a combined effort by government, industry, law enforcement, and citizens of all countries worldwide. Developing countries face unique challenges in developing security policies and approaches appropriate to their circumstances. As security is an important component of the policy framework for the Internet, developing countries must also ensure that their laws cover cybercrime, develop partnerships between government and the private sector to address cybersecurity, improve the sharing of information, and raise security awareness among all users. This session will discuss the security issues faced by developing and transition economies and how their responses support the global cybersecurity effort.

  • Speaker: Michel MAECHLER (biography), Senior ICT Specialist, World Bank
  • Speaker: Sy Goodman (biography), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Speaker: Basil UDOTAI (biography), Coordinator, Nigerian Cybercrime Working Group (NCWG), Office of the National Security Adviser, Nigeria
  • Speaker: Alexander NTOKO (biography), Chief, E-Strategies Unit, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU
  • Discussion

Discussion among the above-mentioned speakers moderated by Session Chair as well as questions from the floor.



1230 – 1400



Session 17: The Way Forward - Frameworks for International Cooperative Action and Close of Meeting (audio archive)

1400 – 1515

Session Chair: Deborah Hurley (biography)

Session Description: To get to its next stage of growth, the Internet must take a major leap into the realm of trusted communications. Building a global culture of cybersecurity and building trust amongst the stakeholders is needed for security to be improved globally. Trust among those sharing information is an important prerequisite for achieving successful protection of the national critical infrastructure. In order to develop trust a culture of openness and cooperation is necessary for the parties to share information on vulnerabilities, best practices, and other critical information. While new legislation will not automatically create trust, it can still help in primarily create an environment where trust could evolve and further develop. The closing session of the ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Cybersecurity will look at possible next steps and the way forward for international cooperative action with regards to cybersecurity.

  • Panellist: Rapporteur for Spam Day Session
  • Panellist: Suresh RAMASUBRAMANIAN (biography), Manager, Outblaze, India
  • Panellist: Bill McCrum (biography), Deputy Director General, Industry Canada, Canada
  • Panellist: Chairperson for sessions 13 & 14
  • Panellist: Herbert BURKERT, (biography) President, Research Centre for Information Law, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
  • Panellist: Betty-Ellen SHAVE (biography), Senior Counsel/Coordinator for International Computer Crime Matters, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Department of Justice, United States
1515 - 1545 Break


Session 18:  Close of Meeting (audio archive)

1545 - 1630

  • Discussion of Final Meeting Report and Chairperson’s Closing Remarks: Deborah Hurley (biography)
      Closing Remarks



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