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 Biography of Mr. Derek E. BAMBAUER, Research Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School, United States of America

Mr. Derek Bambauer is a Research Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.  He holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School and a B.A. from Harvard College.  Derek spent five years working for the software company Lotus Development Corp. (now a division of IBM) as a principal systems engineer, Web developer, and technical writer.  Among his specialties were Internet messaging, server architecture, and data recovery. His research interests include spam, Internet filtering and censorship, intellectual property, spyware, and cognitive effects on human decisionmaking.

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 Biography of Ms. Maria Cristina BUETI, Policy Analyst, Strategy and Policy Unit, International Telecommunication Union 

Ms. Maria Cristina Bueti graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and International Cooperation and Development at the University of Florence, where she took postgraduate studies in International cooperation. During her studies, Ms Bueti took part in the Jean Monnet course on telecommunications in Europe. She was also awarded a grant from the Italian Communications Authority in order to attend a key seminar dealing with convergence issues in telecommunications.

In 2003, Ms. Bueti completed a project for the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, before joining the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, in January 2004. Working in the ITU's Strategy and Policy Unit, as a policy analyst she has been involved in the organization of a wide range of activities from technical workshops to international conferences. Ms. Bueti participated in the PrepCom 2 of the Tunis Phase of WSIS. Her specialty is cybersecurity, with a particular focus on the problem of spam.

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 Biography of Mr. Herbert BURKERT, President, Research Center for Information Law, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Mr. Herbert Burkert is Professor for Pubic Law, Information and Communication Law and President of the Research Centre for Information Law at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland.

Mr. Burkert is a Senior Researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communications in Germany (currently on leave of absence). He is an International Fellow of the Yale Law School Information Society Project and has been an International Scholar at the Information Law and Policy Institute of the New York Law School. Mr.Burkert has studied law, history and political science at the University of Cologne and at the University College Dublin; he received his law doctorate for the University of Frankfurt and his habilitation from the University of St.Gallen.

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 Biography of Mr. Richard CHEONG, Assistant Director, Infocomm Security Division, Infocomm Development Authority, Singapore
Mr. Richard Cheong has about 15 years of working experience in the field of IT security – both in the private and public sector.

Mr. Cheong is currently the Assistant Director of Infocomm Security Division in the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA). In this role, he oversees the exploration of security technologies and manages the infocomm security consultancy programme in IDA.

Prior to joining IDA, Mr. Cheong was the IT Security Manager for a foreign bank in Singapore.

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 Biography of Mr.Tom DALE, General Manager, Strategic Policy Branch, Australian Department of Communications, IT & the Arts
Mr. Tom Dale has been Chair of the OECD Task Force on Spam since September 2004, and has also been active on anti-spam initiatives in the APEC Telecommunications and E-Commerce Working Groups.

Mr. Dale has occupied senior positions in the Australian Department of Communications, IT and the Arts since 1989, including communications regulatory policy, e-business and international relations. He is currently General Manager of the Department’s Strategic Policy Branch, responsible for advice on long-term policy issues including next generation networks and ICT priorities. Mr. Dale has been Australian delegation leader to many international meetings in ITU, WTO, APEC, OECD and APT.

Mr. Dale holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Australian National University and a Graduate Diploma in Law from the University of Canberra, he is a graduate of Mt Eliza Management College.

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 Biography of Mr. Alexander DIX, Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Chairman of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (IWGDPT)

To be added.

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 Biography of Mr. Richard DOWNING, Project Overseer for Computer Crime, APEC

Mr. Richard W. Downing is senior counsel in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice in Washington D.C. In that role, he addresses a wide variety of complex legal and policy issues that arise in connection with new technologies. Mr. Downing has specialized in the development of U.S. legislative policy that relates to computer crime. He participated in the development of two important pieces of legislation in 2001 and 2002 that updated the computer hacking statutes and modernized the legal tools that law enforcement uses to collect electronic evidence. Mr. Downing also regularly trains U.S. investigators and prosecutors on the legal and policy implications of emerging technologies and related criminal conduct.

In 2002, Mr. Downing created and presented a seminar for an international audience on the legal and substantive laws needed to combat computer crime. In addition, he oversees an APEC project devoted to assisting countries in the region to develop comprehensive legal frameworks to combat cybercrime. From 2003 to 2004, Mr. Downing held the position of Deputy Chair of the APEC e-Security Task Group.

Mr. Downing graduated summa cum laude from Yale University with a B.A. in political science, and he received a J.D. from Stanford Law School, where he served as editor-in-chief of the Stanford Journal of International Law.

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 Biography of Ms. Myriam DUNN, Head, New Security Risks Research Unit, Center for Security Studies, ETZ Zurich

Dr. des. Myriam Dunn is head of the "new security risks" research unit at the Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich and coordinator of the Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management Network (CRN). Her field of expertise is the impact of the information revolution on security policy issues. Together with her colleague Isabelle Wigert, she is the author of the "International CIIP Handbook", which compiles protection policies in a range of countries.

Ms. Dunn holds a degree in political science, history, and international law from the University of Zurich.

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 Biography of Mr. Gianluca ESPOSITO, Head of Economic Crime Section, Crime Problems Department, Council of Europe
Mr. Gianluca Esposito is a lawyer, currently Head of the Economic Crime Section, Crime Problems Department, Directorate General I - Legal Affairs (DG I), Council of Europe, F - 67075 Strasbourg, France. Mr Esposito is responsible for the Council of Europe action to fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism, cybercrime, economic and financial crimes and sexual exploitation of children.

Mr. Esposito has been working since 1995 in the Directorate General I - Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. He has completed his studies at the Law School of Naples in 1994 and has then started his career as a defence criminal lawyer in Naples District, Italy, dealing mainly with cases on organised crime, corruption and money laundering. He is a member of the Naples Bar. Mr Esposito moved to the Council of Europe Directorate General of Legal Affairs in 1995, where he has been directly involved in law reforms and intergovernmental activities aiming at strengthening the Rule of Law in Europe.

Mr. Esposito is a specialist in international co-operation in criminal matters (extradition, mutual legal assistance, etc.), the fight against corruption, cybercrime, terrorism and its financing and money laundering. He has particularly been engaged in the drafting, negotiation and finalisation of numerous international treaties and other international legal instruments in these areas.

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 Biography of Mr. Philippe GÉRARD, Legal and Regulatory Officer, Information Society and Media Directorate-Generale, European Commission
Mr. Philippe Gérard has been a legal and regulatory officer with the Information Society Directorate-General of the European Commission since 2000. This position involves developing the policy and regulatory framework for electronic communications, concentrating in particular on privacy and data protection issues. He is also a lecturer on communications law.

Mr. Philippe Gérard holds a degree in law from the University of Louvain (Belgium, 1991) and a post-graduate diploma in European and international law from the Royal University of Leiden (the Netherlands, 1992). He was admitted to the Brussels' Bar in 1997.

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 Biography of of Mr. Adam GOLODNER, Director, Global Security and Technology Policy, Cisco Systems
Mr. Adam Golodner is the Director, Global Security and Technology Policy for Cisco Systems, Inc.

Mr. Golodner works collaboratively across Cisco to help direct Cisco's global public policy for security with governments, thought leaders, partners and others. He helps advance Cisco's strong commitment to security, and works on a strategic focus for security as a means of enhancing productivity, efficiency, and competitive advantage for Cisco's customers.

Mr. Golodner is also an Executive Fellow at the Tuck School of Business, Center for Digital Strategies. Prior to joining Cisco, Mr. Golodner was the Associate Director for Policy of the Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College, where he focused on issues the intersection of technology, economics and law. He is also the former Chief of Staff of the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice. As Chief of Staff, he worked on mergers, enforcement matters, and competition policy -- focusing on technology, telecoms, media, regulated industries, international, and intellectual property issues. He is also the former Deputy Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service, USDA, where he led efforts on universal service, broadband, and e-education and e-health. Before that Mr. Golodner served as a search manager in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel. Mr. Golodner has served on: the White House’s E-Commerce Working Group; the White House’s National Information Infrastructure (NII) Task Force; the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Telecommunications Committee; the U.S. Delegation to the WTO, Seattle Round; and the Department of Justice's Privacy Council.

An expert on telecoms issues, Mr. Golodner has testified before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Association of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners (NARUC). He has presented in many policy forums, including at the Salzburg Seminar, the Aspen Institute, the National Academies of Sciences, the Brookings Institution, the Rueschlikon Conference, the IEEE, Harvard University, the University of Virginia, the Practicing Law Institute, Cardoza Law School, the DC Bar, and other forums. Prior to corporate, academia and government service, he was a partner in a Denver, Colorado law firm and practiced corporate law.

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 Biography of Mr. Sy GOODMAN, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America
To be added.

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 Biography of Mr. John HAYDON, Executive Manager, Consumer and Universal Service Obligation Group, Australian Communications Authority
Mr. John Haydon is the Executive Manager of Consumer and Universal Service within the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) - the national telecommunications and radio communications regulator. His current responsibilities include: Managing the Universal Service regime (so that all Australians have reasonable access to the standard telephone, data and payphone services on an equitable basis, and carriers share the costs); Enforcing consumer safeguards and industry consumer codes;  Coordinating the ACA consumer information programs for better consumer awareness and choice; and  Administering the anti spam regime under the Spam Act.

In the recent past Mr. Haydon has led the regulator's role in the other areas including; licensing and regulation of operators and access to infrastructure, management of telephone numbers and number portability, assistance to law enforcement and emergency services, national standards and compliance for equipment and cabling, and Australian participation in international telecommunications standardisation activity Mr. Haydon's background in the telecommunications has encompassed diverse environments including manufacturing, network operation, business development, defence and power utility applications, research and field engineering. He joined AUSTEL (the predecessor to the ACA) in 1991 from the electricity supply industry.

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 Biography of Gus HOSEIN, Senior Fellow, Privacy International

Mr. Gus Hosein is a Senior Fellow with Privacy International, a London-based non-governmental organisation. At Privacy International he directs the Terrorism and the Open Society Programme, and is the co-ordinator of the Policy Laundering Project in association with the American Civil Liberties Union and Statewatch.

Mr. Hosein is a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Information Systems at the London School of Economics and Political Science. At the London School of Economics and Political Science he lectures on the politics of the Information Society, technology, regulation, law, and policy. He holds a PhD from the University of London and a B. Math from the University of Waterloo.

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 Biography of Deborah HURLEY  

Ms. Deborah Hurley is the Principal of the consulting firm she founded in 1996, which advises governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and foundations on information and communication policy. She was (1997-2002) Director of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project at Harvard University, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and a Senior Research Associate in the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (BCSIA) and in the Center for Business and Government (CBG) at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Ms. Hurley was an official (1988-96) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris, France. At the OECD, she first held the post of Administrator in the Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP) Division of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI). She had responsibility for identifying emerging issues related to protection of personal data and privacy, security of information systems, cryptography technology and policy, and protection of intellectual property. Ms. Hurley organized annual meetings on issues related to the protection of personal data and privacy, including reviews of the 1980 OECD Guidelines for the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data, privacy enhancing technologies, protection of medical data, and rule-making related to privacy, such as legislative initiatives, enactments, implementation, and enforcement at regional, national and sub-national levels, private sector codes of conduct, and standards. Ms. Hurley, after writing the seminal report on information network security for the OECD member nations in 1989, was responsible for the drafting, negotiation and adoption by OECD member countries of the 1992 OECD Guidelines for Security of Information Systems. She also initiated the OECD activities on cryptography technologies and policy in the early 1990s. In April 1993, Hurley was promoted to Principal Administrator in the Science and Technology Policy (STP) Division. She retained her former duties from the ICCP Division and assumed responsibility for launching the OECD Working Group on Innovation and Technology Policy and related work on technology policy, including international technology cooperation, foreign access to national technology programs, nanotechnology, and technology foresight. In addition to responsibility for legal, economic, social and technological issues related to information and communications technologies, she carried out activities in several other advanced technology fields, including intellectual property protection and technology transfer of biotechnology and the effects of international treaty obligations, and the development of new environmental and energy technologies to respond to global climate change.

Shortly before her arrival at the OECD, Ms. Hurley received a Fulbright grant to undertake a study of intellectual property protection and technology transfer in Korea. She carried out this study during her annual leave from the OECD in 1989 and 1990, spending a total of five months in Korea.

From 1983 through 1988, Ms. Hurley practiced intellectual property law in the United States, including copyright, trade secret, trademark, and computer law. As a consultant to UNIDO and as a lecturer at the International Law Institute in Washington, DC, she also instructed government officials from developing countries in the intellectual property laws of developed nations and the contrast of these laws with intellectual property laws and technology transfer rules of developing countries.

Ms. Hurley is the recipient of the 2002 Namur Award, which is a biennial award given by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in recognition of outstanding contributions, with international impact, to awareness of the social implications of information technology. She was also selected, following a global search, as one of seven finalists in the Policy category of the inaugural World Technology Awards, which were created to honor those innovators whose work is of the greatest likely long-term significance for the benefit of business and society.

Ms. Hurley has served on committees and boards of the U.S. State Department, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, and the Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She has served as Chair of: the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Strategic Planning Workshop on Creating Trust in Critical Network Infrastructures in May 2002; the American Library Association Forum on New Technology, the Information Commons, and the Future of Libraries in November 2001; the ITU Strategic Planning Workshop on the Regulatory Implications of Broadband in May 2001; and the 2001 Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference in March 2001.

She is the author of "Pole Star: Human Rights in the Information Society" (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 2003), which has been translated and issued in French, Spanish and Arabic. She is also the author of "Foreign Policy in the Ubiquitous Information Environment" in Science and Diplomacy: The State of Science at the Department of State (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2000), and, with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, of "Globalization of Communications" and "Information Policy and Governance" in John Donahue and Joseph Nye, Jr., eds., Governance in a Globalizing World (Brookings Institution Press, 2000). Other publications include "The First 100 Feet: Options for Internet and Broadband Access, edited with James H. Keller (The MIT Press, 1999), and "Security and Privacy Laws: The Showstoppers of the Global Information Society" in Masters of the Wired World (Pitman Publishing, 1999).

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 Biography of Augustin IDO, CAPTEF and Francophonie, Institut francophone des nouvelles technologies

To be added.

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 Biography of Shamsul JAFNI SHAFIE, Head, Information and Network Security Department, Monitoring and Enforcement Division, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), ASEAN Telecommunications Regulators' Council (ATRC)

Mr. Shamsul Jafni Shafie is a lawyer by qualification. He graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and started his career as a Deputy Public Prosecutor in the Commercial Crime Unit in the Attorney General Chambers. He later joined the Securities Commission in the Prosecution Department and remained as a Prosecutor until June 2000.

Mr. Jafni Shafie is presently attached to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), a statutory body that is the regulator for the communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia.

Within the MCMC, he has been a Prosecutor and later as a Policy Analyst. in the Industry Development Division. There his work was mainly focused on building E-Commerce Trust, the Digital Signature, Information and Network Security and the self-regulatory forums.

Presently, Mr Jafni Shafie is the Head of the Information and Network Security Department in the Monitoring and Enforcement Division. The Information and Network Security Department is responsible for implementing initiatives to support the 10th National Policy Objectives of the Communications and Multimedia Act for the communications and multimedia industry, which is to ensure information security and the reliability and integrity of the network.

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 Biography of Mr. Jonathan KRADEN, Staff Attorney, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), United States

Mr. Jonathan Kraden is a staff attorney at the Federal Trade Commission and is currently assigned to the Bureau of Consumer Protection, Division of Marketing Practices. His work at the FTC includes coordinating the agency's enforcement efforts under the CAN-SPAM Act and investigating and litigating cases involving spam, internet videotext services and telemarketing fraud. In addition, Mr. Kraden was the lead counsel on the FTC's rule pursuant to the CAN-SPAM Act that requires the labeling of sexually oriented spam. Prior to joining the FTC in July 2002, Mr. Kraden was a trial attorney with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office specializing in the prosecution of white-collar crime. Mr. Kraden received his J.D. from the Duke University School of Law and his B.A. in Accounting from Binghamton University.

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 Biography of Mr. Arkadiy KREMER, Chairman, Russian Association for Networks and Services (RANS)
Mr. Arkadiy Kremer is the Chairman of Russian Association for Networks and Services which joins over 130 governmental and business organizations in Russia. He is head of the department of Moscow Telecommunication University and the author of approximately 50 publications on IT&T and security issues.

Mr. Kremer is a Vice Chairman of the ITU-T SG17 and leader of the ITU-T project "Security Baseline for Network Operators".

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 Biography of Mr. John LEVINE, Founder, Taughannock Networks
Mr. John R. Levine is the founder of Taughannock Networks

Mr. Levine writes, lectures, and consults on the Internet, email and spam, and related computer topics. He chairs the IRTF Anti-Spam Research Group, is a board member of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE) and a North American representative to the ICANN At Large Advisory Committee. He speaks frequently at conferences, and has written or co-authored over twenty books, including the popular Internet for Dummies. now in its 10th edition.

Mr. Levine has been active in a variety of governmental activites including as a member of the Industry Canada Task Force on Spam, and advising the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in its implementation of the CAN SPAM act. Since 2004 he has been the mayor of his home village of Trumansburg, N.Y.

Dr. Levine holds a B.A. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale University.

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 Biography of Mr. Steve LINFORD, Spamhaus Project 

To be added.

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 Biography of Mr. Liang LIU, Assistant Director, Anti-Spam Coordination Team, Internet Society of China (ISC)

Mr. Liang Liu  has worked in Anti-Spam Coordination Team of Internet Society of China as the assistant director since 2003.

Current areas of focus include anti-spam operations and administration of email service. Mr. Liu is also responsible for organizing to launch email server masters’ training programs and communicating activities for effective controlling spam.

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 Biography of Mr. Luc MATHAN, Luc MATHAN, Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG)
Mr Luc Mathan is  currently responsible for spam and privacy issues at International Public Affairs department of France Telecom.

Education at McGill University (Canada) and Telecom Paris (France); PhD in signal processing; started career in France Telecom R&D center on speech recognition, moved on to telecommunication management network; then to Germany as project supervisor at Eurescom, managing collaborative program between telcos; since 1999 back at France Telecom on e-commerce issues.

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 Biography of Mr. Michel MAECHLER, Senior ICT Specialist, World Bank
Mr. Michel Maechler has been working in the field of cybersecurity for over 14 years. He joined the World Bank in 2003 as a consultant and specializes on e-security, information and communication technologies (ICT), and e-Government strategy formulation. Michel has worked on a range of ICT sector reform projects in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Caribbean, as well as the Middle East and Northern Africa. Prior to joining the World Bank, he was working for Ernst & Young, providing information systems audit and advisory services to large international organizations and public entities, specializing on mitigating ICT-related risks. . Michel studied computer science, holds a post-graduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Strathclyde and is a certified information system auditor and information security manager. He speaks French, English and German.

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 Biography of Mr. William MCCRUM, Deputy Director General, Canadian Department of Industry, Canada
Mr. Bill McCrum is presently Deputy Director General, Spectrum Engineering, in the Canadian Department of Industry. His responsibilities include telecommunications regulation, network vulnerability analysis, and implementation of various Trade Agreements including the telecom chapter of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Mr. McCrum is Executive Secretary of the Telecommunications Standards Advisory Council of Canada (TSACC), and is chair of a number of national standards committees. Mr. McCrum has published a wide range of technical papers and authored a technical book on network interconnection issues.

Mr. McCrum has a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Queen`s University of Belfast. His job history includes employment at General Electric Labs in the US, and at Bell-Northern Research Labs in Ottawa.

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 Biography of Ms. Maneesha MITHAL, Assistant Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s International Division of Consumer Protection, United States of America

Ms. Maneesha Mithal is Assistant Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s International Division of Consumer Protection. Ms. Mithal’s areas of expertise include international privacy and security, international spam, cross-border fraud, international litigation, ICANN-related issues, and building consumer trust in a global marketplace. Ms. Mithal has served on the U.S. delegations of various international organizations, including the OECD Committee on Consumer Policy, the OECD Information, Communications and Computer Policy Committee, the APEC Electronic Commerce Steering Group, and the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Prior to joining the Federal Trade Commission in 1999, she was an associate at the Washington law firm of Covington & Burling, where she practiced in the commercial litigation, international litigation, and legislative areas. Ms. Mithal earned her law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center and her undergraduate degree from Georgetown University. 

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 Biography of Mr. Miguel A. MONTERO, Spam Ruling Administrator, Radiografica Costarricense (RACSA), Costa Rica
Ing. Miguel A. Montero graduated form the University of Costa Rica and spent 18 years with ICE, Costa Rica’s telecommunications provider, where he served as an Outside Plant Manager, including amongst his duties, customer care and solutions. Mr Montero subsequently served as Operations manager for Acer and Sykes’Call Centres in Costa Rica. Five years ago, he joined RACSA, Costa Rica’s ISP, where he has worked as a Call Centre Manager and Spam Ruling Administrator, producing, updating and enforcing the anti-spam ruling. Mr Montero has an MBA Degree.

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 Biography of Mr. Alexander NTOKO, Chief, E-Strategies Unit, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU
Mr. Alexander Ntoko is the Chief of E-strategies Unit at the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau. His main responsibility includes the implementation ITU E-strategies Programme that has Cyber Security, E-Applications, E-Legislation and Internet Protocol as four (4) of the six (6) priorities areas for the Programme.

Mr. Ntoko's activities in IT security began in the late 80s in the United States where he obtained Bachelors and Master of Science degrees in Computer Science from the State University of New York in 1985 and 1987 respectively and specializing in Operating Systems and Data Communication Networks.

From the early 1990s while in the ITU Information Services Department, he played a key role in the introduction of IT security services to ITU especially in the domain of e-commerce. Since his move to the ITU Development Sector in 1998, he has implemented projects on cyber security based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in a number of developing countries, organized and spoken at many international events, written papers on technology strategies for cyber security and has assisted many developing countries on technology strategies for cyber security in ICT applications (e.g., e-health, e-government, e-payment and e-business).

Mr. Ntoko is Cameroonian and has been with ITU HQ in Geneva for more than 15 years.

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 Biography of Mr. John PALFREY, Executive Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School
As Executive Director of the Berkman Center, Mr. John Palfrey is responsible for working with the faculty directors to set and carry out the Center's ambitious, public-spirited agenda and overseeing the work of its crack team of staff, fellows and students. As Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, Mr. Palfrey has taught "Cyberlaw and the Global Economy", "Digital Democracy," and "Internet & Society: the Technologies and Politics of Control". His research interests include the Internet and democracy, intellectual property, and technology law as it relates to commercial transactions. Recent work includes "Public Participation in ICANN" (along with co-authors Noah Eisenkraft, Clifford Chen, and Sam Hwang). Other working papers include "The End of the Experiment: How ICANN's Foray into Global Internet Democracy Failed" (forthcoming, in the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology) and "The Accountable Net" (with David R. Johnson and Susan P. Crawford). 

A long-time affiliate of the Berkman Center, Mr. Palfrey comes to the Berkman Center from the law firm Ropes & Gray, where he worked on intellectual property, Internet law, and private equity transactions. Mr. Palfrey is a co-founder and a former officer of a venture-backed technology company. He also served as a Special Assistant at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during the Clinton administration. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Charles River Watershed Association, which does terrific work to clean up our local river. While attending Harvard Law School, he was a Teaching Fellow in Internet Law and served as an editor of the Harvard Environmental Law Review.

Mr. Palfrey graduated from Harvard College, the University of Cambridge, and Harvard Law School. His awards include the Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar to the University of Cambridge and the U.S. EPA Gold Medal (highest national award). John is admitted to the New York and Massachusetts bars.

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 Biography of Mr. Claudio PEGUERO, Chief, High Tech Crime Investigation Department, National Police, Dominican Republic
Colonel Claudio Peguero was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on May 18th, 1972. Went to elementary and high school in the Dominican De La Salle School (Colegio Dominicano De La Salle), graduating in 1988.

That same year he joins the National Police, working in the Homicide Investigations Department. In 1992 he graduates as Systems Engineer in the Technologycal Institute of Santo Domingo (Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo -INTEC), promoted to the rank of second lieutenant, then went to work in the Crimes Against Property (Robbery) Investigations Department.

In 1999 Mr. Peguero is designated Commander of the Systems and Information Technology Department for the Nacional Police, position he keeps to date. In July 2003,Mr. Peguero is designated, in addition to his other responsabilities, Head of the Cybercrime Investigation Division in the National Department of Investigations (DNI), created in that same date. In November 2004 the High Technology Crimes Investigation Department (DICAT) is created in the National Police, and he is moved to command that new department.

Mr. Peguero has participated in conferences and workshops on the subject in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, México, Peru, England, Spain, Thailand and the Dominican Republic, most of them organized by the OAS and the UN. He has participated in trainings in the network security area in the SANS Institute and Cisco´s CCNA.  Mr. Peguero was a member of the interinstitutional, multidisciplinary group of experts that drafted and submitted to the Republic´s Senate the Bill Draft (Law Project) against High Technology Crimes.

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 Biography of Mr. Suresh RAMASUBRAMANIAN, Manager, Antispam Operations, Outblaze
Mr. Suresh Ramasubramanian is Manager, Antispam Operations at Outblaze, a large provider of managed messaging services for over 40 million users. He has several years experience in ISP antispam operations, starting with a stint on the abuse desk at Juno (now United Online).

Mr. Ramasubramanian is a founder member and currently coordinator of APCAUCE (the Asia Pacific chapter of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email). APCAUCE organizes two antispam conferences a year, in different cities in the Asia Pacific region. He is also founder president of CAUCE India. Mr. Ramasubramanian also serves on the management committees of two Asia Pacific regional network operators conferences - APRICOT and SANOG. He has been interviewed about spam by journals ranging from Businessweek and the Wall Street Journal to Wired, PC Mag and Salon.  Mr. Ramasubramanian is currently writing a book on mail systems administration, to be published by O'Reilly Associates.

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 Biography of Mr. Anthony-Michael RUTKOWSKI, Vice President for Regulatory Affairs and Standards, VeriSign, Inc
Mr. Anthony Rutkowski is Vice-President for Regulatory Affairs at VeriSign, Inc. - and deals with development, articulation, and implementation of its regulatory and standards strategies domestically and internationally for Next Generation Networks. He also participates significantly in diverse law enforcement and security related forums.

Mr. Rutkowski is a prominent engineer-lawyer whose career has spanned more than 40 years in industry and government in the U.S. and abroad - focusing primarily on pursuing cutting edge business and technology developments. Beginning with leading design projects for Apollo launch support communications and control systems at Kennedy Space Center. Over the past several decades, he has been a corporate and government technology strategist, public official, organization leader, consultant, lecturer, publisher, and author of several books, agency proceedings, and scores of articles in the Internet, telecom, mass media, and aerospace worlds.

He has enjoyed commercial business positions with SAIC Network Solutions, General Magic, Sprint International, Horizon House, Pan American Engineering, General Electric, and Evening News Association; government and elected positions with the Federal Communications Commission, the International Telecommunication Union, and Cape Canaveral City Council; and educational positions with the Internet Society, MIT, and NY Law School.

At the ITU, Mr. Rutkowski was Chief of International Telecommunication Regulations and Relations Between Members, Counsellor to the Secretary-General, and headed the Secretariat at the International Telecommunication Regulations treaty conference.

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 Biography of Mr. Jean-Jacques SAHEL,  Assistant Director, International Communications branch of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), London, United Kingdom

Mr. Jean-Jacques Sahel is an Assistant Director in the International Communications branch of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in London. His role is to lead on the UK's International Communications Policy and represent UK interests in a number of international fora dealing with telecommunications and the information economy. He is particularly active on the issue of spam, and at the OECD, ITU and the WTO; he was also recently one of the UK delegates to the UN's World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

Mr. Sahel has been working for DTI for a couple of years; before that he was an advisor in the Cabinet Office, which he had joined after holding a number of positions in industry. A graduate in management and languages, Mr. Sahel is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and he holds a Masters degree in International Law and Politics from King's College School of Law.

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 Biography of Mr. Nabil SAHLI, Chief Executive Officer, National Agency for Computer Security, Tunisia

Professor Nabil Sahli is the CEO of the National Agency for Computer Security (NACS) in Tunisia. He was previously in charge of elaborating a National Strategy and Plan in IT security, which lead to the promulgation of an “original” law on IT Security and to the creation of the National Agency for Computer Security, and of a CSIRT, ISAC and CERT inside the NACS (CERT/TCC).

Mr. Sahli is a professor in Computer Science at the Navy Academy and Advisor of the Minister of Technologies of Communications. Past years, besides teaching in the university, he was scientific consultant of the International company Biodata IT AG Inc and founder of an R&D entity of this company in Tunisia, which produced several security products (PC Firewall Sphinx, Distributed Firewalls PCFire and Seventh, etc.). He is also author of several guides, papers and courses in IT security and redactor of the mailing-lists of the NACS.

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 Biography of Mr. Jeffrey SANDERS, United Nations University International Institute of Software Technology (UNU-IIST)

Mr. Jeffrey Sanders is attending the Cybersecurity Thematic Meeting on Cybersecurity as representative of Mike Reed, Director of the United Nations University's International Institute for Software Technology in Macau. Both have spent more than two decades in the Programming Research Group at the University of Oxford, UK, where Jeff is still based. His interests lie in the applications of Mathematical methods to reason about complex or novel forms of computation (like probabilistic algorithms, distributed protocols, security and hardware design) and he is also interested in the philosophy of information.

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 Biography of Mr. Stein SCHJOLBERG, Chief Judge, Moss Tingrett, Moss District Court, Norway

Mr. Stein Schjolberg is the Chief Judge at Moss Tingrett, a District Court in Norway.

Mr. Schjolberg is a former Assistant Commissioner of Police in Oslo, Norway. He was appointed as a Judge in 1983 and a Chief Judge in 1994. He has published widely on Computer Crime legislation and Judicial Decisions Support Systems. 

Some of Mr. Schjolbergs more recent talks related to cybercrime include speeches at The 11th United Nations Crime Congress, Bangkok, Thailand (2005), Council of Europe Conference, Strasbourg, France (2004), Council of Europe Conference, Sinaia, Romania (2004), The Oslo Cybercrime Workshop, Oslo, Norway (2003), The 13th World Congress of Criminology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003), The Fifth Interpol International Conference on Computercrime, Seoul, Korea (2202), and a Conference on International Cooperation to Combat Cyber Crime and Terrorism, Stanford University, USA (1999).

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 Biography of Mr. Bruce SCHNEIER, Counterpane

To be added.

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 Biography of Ms. Betty-Ellen SHAVE, Senior Counsel/Coordinator for International Computer Crime Matters, Department of Justice, Unites States

Ms. Betty-Ellen Shave is a Senior Counsel and the Coordinator for International Computer Crime Matters in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice. She supervises the international aspects of CCIPS' criminal caseload; critical information infrastructure protection matters; training and speaking engagements; and policy-making. In addition, she is in charge of CCIPS' activities in many multilateral fora such as the European Commission, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, and the Organization of American States. Ms. Shave headed the US delegation to the High-Tech Crime Subgroup of the countries of the G8 for three years and participated actively in the negotiations of the draft Cybercrime Convention at the Council of Europe from the beginning in 1997.

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 Biography of Mr. Robert SHAW, Policy Advisor, Strategy and Policy Unit, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

To be added.

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 Biography of Ms. Pernilla SKANTZE, Policy Advisor, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), Belgium

Ms. Pernilla Skantze is a lawyer specialised in IT-related issues. Since February this year she holds the position as policy advisor at ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency. Previously she has worked with IT-related legal and policy issues as a lecturer at Stockholm University, at Vinge law firm and in the Swedish Ministry of Industry.

Before moving to ENISA Ms. Skantze worked for the European Commission, where she was responsible for the ENISA Regulation and for general information security policy development at DG Information Society.

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 Biography of Mr. Klaus STEDING-JESSEN, Technical Manager,

Mr. Klaus Steding-Jessen is the technical manager of (formerly known as NBSO), working there since 1999. He is conducting his doctorate studies in Computer Security at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research.

Mr. Steding-Jessen has been working with Incident Response and Forensic Analysis, cooperating with the Brazilian law enforcement in several computer crime cases. He is also the co-author of the chkrootkit tool. Mr. Klaus Steding-Jessen is a CERT-Certified Computer Security Incident Handler and an authorized instructor of Carnegie Mellon CERT/CC courses.

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 Biography of Ms. Valerie STEEVES, Assistant Professor, University of Ottowa
Ms. Valerie Steeves is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Canada. Her main area of research is human rights and technology issues.

Ms. Steeves has written and spoken extensively on privacy from a human rights perspective, and is currently a researcher with the On the Identity Trail project at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Common Law. On the Identity Trail is a multi-million dollar project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to examine the potential to preserve privacy and anonymity in a networked society.

Ms. Steeves is also an active participant in the privacy policy making process in Canada. In 1997, as a Special Advisor to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Rights, she organized and facilitated a series of public consultations exploring the meaning of privacy as a human right, and was one of the principal drafters of the Committee’s report, Where Do we Draw the Line? She has appeared as an expert witness before a number of Parliamentary Committees regarding privacy legislation, and was a Special Advisor to Senator Finestone with respect to the Privacy Rights Charter. She is currently a member of the Canadian Standards Association’s Technical Committee on Privacy and the Chair of the National Privacy Coalition.

Ms. Steeves is the author of a number of award-winning educational games designed to teach children how to protect their human rights in cyberspace. Her multi-media game Sense and NonSense won the Canadian Race Relations Foundation’s Award of Excellence in Race Relations Education and her interactive cyberplay about online privacy is used by Girl Guides across the country in the You Go Girl in Technology badge program.

In 2004, Ms. Steeves she was awarded the Labelle Lectureship at McMaster University. The Labelle is a juried prize that recognizes scholars engaged in multi-disciplinary research who are challenging existing methods or accepted ideas.

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 Biography of Mr. Mark SUNNER, Chief Technology Officer, MessageLabs
Mr. Mark Sunner is the CTO of MessageLabs, the leading provider of managed email security services to businesses worldwide and part of the MessageLabs Group.

Since joining MessageLabs Group in 1996 Mr. Sunner has been the technical driving force behind a number of groundbreaking products and services which have consequently set new standards worldwide. These include a fully comprehensive Internet Server Appliance (co-developed with Cisco), an email to fax service, real-time bandwidth usage and a revolutionary statistics interface.

Mr. Sunner sits on the board of directors, and heads up the Research and Development teams for the two divisions: Star and MessageLabs. While overseeing Internet provision and the continued innovation of Star's NetTools and e-commerce products, Mr. Sunner has led the development of the revered MessageLabs internet-level email security scanning services.

Prior to joining the MessageLabs Group, Mr. Sunner was a senior trainer at QA Training, the UK’s leading IT training scheme, writing the ‘original’ Internet Training Course in the early 90’s which was delivered to a large number of blue-chip companies at the CTO/CEO level. Mr. Sunner is also a Certified Novell Engineer (CNE), Certified Novell Instructor (CNI), Enterprise Certified Novell Instructor (ECNE) and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT).

Mr. Sunner has over 10 years’ public speaking experience and is renowned as a keynote speaker within the industry. He has spoken on the Internet to over 5000 executives in the UK and has addressed audiences around the world such as at the yearly Virus Bulletin Conferences. Not only is Mr. Sunner a well-respected spokesperson but he is also a key media figure, having done numerous interviews for the BBC, CNN, Channel 4 and Sky Television on internet and security issues.

Mr. Sunner counts his most significant achievement as stopping and naming the LoveBug virus hours before it was even identified by any other anti-virus vendor.

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 Biography of Mr. Basil UDOTAI, Coordinator, Nigerian Cybercrime Working Group (NCWG)

Mr. Basil Udotai is the Coordinator of the Nigerian Cybercrime Working Group (NCWG), a multi-agency body of the government of Nigeria consisting of key federal law enforcement, security, intelligence and ICT agencies as well as strategic private sector ICT organizations in Nigeria. The body was established in March 2004 to implement the country’s National Cybersecurity Initiative (NCI), aimed primarily at forging appropriate legal and institutional framework necessary to secure computer systems and networks and protect critical information infrastructure in the country. Mr. Udotai heads the NCWG Secretariat and works directly with the National Security Adviser to execute the mandates of the body, including but not limited to drafting a law to criminalize computer abuses, with procedures for investigation and prosecution of offenders; developing a national cybersecurity policy with special emphasis on critical information infrastructure protection; undertaking institutional awareness and public enlightenment on cybercrime and the need to foster cybersecurity; promoting capacity building amongst law enforcement, security and intelligence agencies as well as initiating international law enforcement cooperation with global law enforcement agencies and other relevant international institutions.

Before his appointment to head the NCWG Secretariat, Mr. Udotai was General Counsel and Legal Adviser of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), a Federal institution charged with the responsibility of implementing the National IT Policy and coordinating the development of information technology (IT) in Nigeria. In that position, he steered the implementation of the legal aspects of the National IT Policy towards promoting enactment of laws necessary to create the enabling environment for IT development and growth in Nigeria; while structuring various public private partnerships to execution a range of ICT projects in the country.  Mr. Udotai serves in several ICT Committees and bodies of the Government of Nigeria as well as on the Board of the National Enterprise Technology Center and the National eGovernment Strategies Limited.

Mr. Udotai obtained his Bachelor of laws (LL.B) and Master of laws degree (LL.M) from the University of Lagos, Nigeria and also received LL.M from the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium as well as the University of Georgia, USA, in European Union Law and Antitrust, respectively.

Before returning to Nigeria a few years ago, Mr. Udotai worked in and consulted for a few law firms in Washington, DC and served for 3 years in the Government of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC where he worked in the area of technology contracting, intellectual property and Internet law.

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 Biography of Mr. Mabito YOSHIDA, Director of IT Security Office, Information and Communications Policy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan

Mr. Mabito Yoshida, Director of IT Security Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, is responsible for the security of telecommunication infrastructure. He also actively contributed to formulation of the national strategy of information security, which was initiated by the Japan's prime minister's office recently. Since he started working for the ministry in 1985, he has experienced several posts in the Telecommunication Bureau which is responsible for overseeing telecommunication operators in Japan. From 1995 to 1998, he served for the Permanent Delegation of Japan to OECD in Paris as First Secretary in charge of telecommunications.

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 Biography of Mr. Eric WALTER, Chef du Bureau, Direction du Développement des Médias, Services du Premier Ministre, France

Après avoir été chargé de mission au cabinet du Ministre de la culture et de la communication français, Eric Walter est nommé en 2002 chef du bureau des évaluations économiques et de la société de l'information au sein de la Direction du développement des médias, placée sous l’autorité du Premier ministre français et en charge du développement de l’ensemble des médias: presse écrite et audiovisuel classique, aussi bien que nouvelles formes de communication en ligne.

C'est en juillet 2003 que le Gouvernement français a chargé la Direction du développement des médias de coordonner l'action française en matière de lutte contre le spam, dont la responsabilité est depuis assumée par le bureau dirigé par Eric Walter. Au titre de cette activité, le bureau assure l'animation du groupe de contact anti-spam réunissant les acteurs publics et privés intéressés à la lutte contre le spam et a lancé en avril dernier le premier réseau de lutte contre le spam des autorités africaines francophones à l’issue de la Conférence des administrations des postes et des télécommunications d’expression française (CAPTEF)

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 Biography of Mr. Bing Zhang, Senior Engineer, CNCERT/CC, People's Republic of China

Mr. Zhang Bing is currently a Senior Engineer in the National Computer network Emergency Response technical Team/ Coordination Center of China (CNCERT/CC), Department of Administration & Operation. Mr. Zhang’s working functions include coordinating with other network security organizations and CSIRTs to prevent and handle Network Security Incidents related to the public Internet of China, acting as a leader or coordinator of some technical projects of CNCERT/CC, working with others on the CSIRTs standards and Internet Network Security Response Plan.

Mr. Zhang is also active in the anti-spam coordination team of Internet Society of China. Before joining CNCERT/CC, Mr. Zhang was working as a full-time researcher in China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), he had led and participated several projects on ENUM/DNS study and applications, including the security problems in the application. Mr. Zhang received his doctor degree in Engineering in 2001 and the master degree in 1998 from the Harbin Institute of Technology.

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