High-Level Session on “ITU Enabling the Wireless Ecosystem”


Session 276

16:30–18:15, Monday, 12 June 2017 ICT Discovery, ITU Montbrillant High-Level Substantive Session

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As part of the WSIS Forum 2017 hosted by the ITU a high-level session on ‘ITU enabling the wireless ecosystem’, will be held on 12 June 2017, from 16h30 to 18h15.

The overall WSIS forum theme for this year is Information and Knowledge Societies for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The WSIS Forum is co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD with the involvement of other UN Agencies, including FAO, ILO, ITC, UNDESA, UNHCR, UNODC, UNEP, UPU, WMO, WIPO, WHO, WFP, UN Women and UN Regional Commissions. The WISIS forum is expected to gather 50 Ministers and 30 Heads of regulators.

The programme of the high-level session on ‘ITU enabling the wireless ecosystem’ includes keynote interventions by four players in the regulation and industry of radiocommunications. They will highlight how the wireless eco-system, which has become so important in our societies and contributes to virtually all the Sustainable Development Goals, has emerged and is flourishing thanks to the various activities carried out in the ITU to adopt international regulations and standards that promote efficient use and spectrum harmonization, enabling economies of scale and affordable service throughout the World.

These keynotes speeches will be followed by interventions from Ministers and Heads of Regulatory Authorities, addressing their vision of the ITU contribution to the development of the wireless ecosystem in their respective countries and regions. The session will conclude on a general discussion.

This session is also held in the framework of the celebrations of the 90th Anniversary of the CCIR/ITU Radiocommunication Study Groups (1927-2017). The studies carried out in these Study Groups since 1992 and previously in CCIR (International Radiocommunication Consultative Committee) are conducted by all spectrum stakeholders in the industry, research, academic and governments sectors and ensure that the eco-system evolves by adopting the most advanced, efficient and affordable technologies while protecting the investments made in spectrum all around the world.


16h30 - Opening address : Mr François Rancy, Director ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (Read speech here)

  1. The Vision of Spectrum Regulators :Mr Eric Fournier, Chairman of ECC and Co-President of CEPT. (Read statement here)
  2. The Mobile Industry Ecosystem :Dr Shiv K. Bakhshi, Vice President Industry Relations, Group Function Technology. Ericsson. (Read statement here)
  3. The Satellite Communications Ecosystem :Dr Aarti Holla Maini, Secretary General EMEA satellite Operators Association (ESOA). (Read statement here)
  4. The Vision of the Sound and Television Industry: Mr Peter MacAvock, Head of Distribution and Services, Technology and Innovation, European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Chairman, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)
  5. Mme Nacima Rachedi, Conseillère auprès de Madame la Ministre (on behalf of H.E. Mrs Houda-Imane Faraoun, Ministre de la Poste, des Télécommunications, des Technologies et du Numérique). Algérie. (Read statement here)
  6. H.E. Mr Ped Peter Shanel Agovaka, Minister for Communication and Aviation. Solomon Islands. (Read statement here)
  7. H.E. Pr Irini Reljin, Assistant Minister for Electronic Communications and Postal Services. Serbia. (Read statement here)
  8. Mr Piro Xhixho, Chairman, Albania Electronic and Postal Communication Authority (AKEP). Albania. (Read statement here)
  9. Ing. Jaime Herrera Santiesteban, Miembro Suplente del Consejo de la SUTEL (on behalf of Ing. Gilbert Camacho Mora, Presidente del Consejo de la SUTEL). Costa Rica. (Read statement here)
  10. Dr Dražen Lučić, President of Council, Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM). Croatia. (Read statement here)
  11. Sra Adriana Sofía Labardini Inzunza, Comisionada, Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL) (on behalf of Sr. Gabriel Oswaldo Contrera-Saldivar, Presidente, IFETEL). Mexico. (Read statement here)
  12. Mr Christophe Pierre, Directeur, Département de l’Equipement, de l’Environnement et de l’Urbanisme. Monaco. (Read statement here)
  13. Pr Fátima Barros, Chair of the Board of Directors, ANACOM. Portugal. (Read statement here)

- General Discussion
18h15 - Closing remarks
Mr François Rancy, Director ITU Radiocommunication Bureau


François Rancy, Director, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau