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ITU 150

ITU NBTC Training Programme 2017

Project No 9THA17035
Title ITU NBTC Training Programme 2017

The Office of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Thailand, intends to support a capacity building project with the International Telecommunication Union to enhance the skills of its staff and the telecommunication/ICT stakeholders in the areas of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) planning including IMT-Advanced and IMT 2020 (e.g. 4G/5G), Internet of Things and Cross-Sectoral Policies, Regulations and Strategies in Digital Economy. This project contribute to meet the expected results of the ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Initiative on Policy and Regulation and Harnessing the benefits of new technologies inter alia among other development programmes, initiatives and activities. The project will be carried out through organizing workshops/ training programmes between February and December 2017 in Thailand.

Area of Action Capacity Building
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 1/5/2017 To 31/12/2017
Beneficiary Countries Thailand
Cooperation Agency Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand
Financial Scale (CHF) Less than 100'000

ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of
Excellence Training on
“Collaborative Cross-sectoral Regulatory Mechanisms
and Competition Analysis in Digital Economy”, was successfully held from 7-11
August 2017 in Hotel Novotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
[36 participants
representing 13 countries across Asia-Pacific (excluding 5 presenters)].
The training workshop was organized by the ITU, the
National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand and
the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDES), Thailand. (

ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of
Excellence Training on
“Broadband Mobile and Internet of Things Network
Planning”, was successfully held from 19-22 September 2017 in Hotel Novotel,
Bangkok, Thailand
[75 participants representing 10
countries (excluding 4 presenters). 
The training workshop was organized by the ITU, the
National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand and
the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDES), Thailand.