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ITU 150

Pilot Biddings for USO Projects in Two Provinces of Thailand

Project No 9THA12013
Title Pilot Biddings for USO Projects in Two Provinces of Thailand
Description The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have jointly implemented a project on Universal Service Obligation Policy in Thailand whereby a new (draft) USO policy has been proposed to the Commission. Among other things, the new policy states that Universal Service Providers will be selected through competitive biddings for which a framework will be recommended by the ongoing joint NBTC/ITU project.
In preparation for adoption of the new policy, the NBTC wishes to conduct pilot biddings for USO projects using the recommended framework. In this regard, the NBTC has agreed to initiate and implement this project with the ITU to identify the recommended bidding and evaluation frameworks for selecting Univesal Service Providers to implement USO projects in two provinces of Thailand. The two provinces have been identified as Pitsanulok and Mahasarakham provinces
Area of Action Regulatory & Market Environment
Technology & Network Development
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 1/1/2012 To 30/6/2013
Beneficiary Countries Thailand
Implementing Agency ITU
Cooperation Agency Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000

Collected a set of data/information of demographic data, geographic data, network coverage and penetrations, demand and ICT usage data about the two provinces. Determined the three zones (served zone, under-served zone, and unserved zone) in the two provinces according to the principle of market gap analysis.
Developed tender documents including:

  • Terms of Reference (ToR)
  • Draft Contracts
  • Methods and procedures for bidding
  • Criteria of bid evaluation
  • Draft financial documents

Conducted training workshop on basic GIS and applications
Conducted two training workshops on USO bidding framework

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