Committed to connecting the world

ITU 150

Emergency Support to the Ministry of Communications of Afghanistan - Afghanistan

Project No 7AFG02001
Title Emergency Support to the Ministry of Communications of Afghanistan - Afghanistan
Description Under this project ITU will provide assistance to the Government of Afghanistan in establishing an operational structure of the Ministry of Communications and advise to the Minister and other senior staff of the MOC in carrying out their day-to-day duties. In addition, ITU will assist in developing critical elements of the sector policy and in drafting a Telecommunications act and in working out a regulatory structure and basic rules. ITU will also assist in elaboration of a National Radio Frequency Plan, National Radio Regulations, a Guide for Spectrum Monitoring and Station Inspection a computerized Spectrum Management System, a coverage map for MW, FM and TV Broadcasting and in enhancing competence in these areas.
Time Frame From 1/1/2001


This Project is Archived