United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  






Resumed Session of PrepCom3 Achieves Considerable Progress 
More than 800 delegates from UN Member States, intergovernmental organizations, civil society and the private sector gathered at PrepCom3 Resumed session in Geneva from 10 to 14 November to continue with the working documents. The new versions of the Declaration of Principles and Action Plan will serve as a base for further negotiations at the High Level Resumed session of PrepCom-3 which will take place on 5 and 6 December 2003 before the WSIS from 10 to 12 December. For more information on the outcome of PrepCom 3 Resumed Session, please click here.

More than 50 Heads of State and Government to Participate
Fifty-six Heads of State or Government have so far committed to participate in the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva (10-12 December 2003) with more than 6000 delegates from government, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, the private sector and the media. To see the list of countries whose Heads of State or Government will participate in the World Summit on the Information Society, please click here.

An Opportunity to Share their Information Society Visions
Stakeholders' leaders will share their vision of the Information Society with Head of States and Governments at four roundtable sessions that will be broadcasted over the Internet during the Summit. The topics for the roundtables are: Creating digital opportunities, diversity in cyberspace, ICT as a tool to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and empowering all citizens. The reports will be annexed to the final report of the Summit, thus paving the way toward its second phase in Tunis. For the guidelines, topics and organization, please click here 

ITU Highlights its Commitment to the World Summit on the Information Society
The International Telecommunication Union, the lead agency in organizing the WSIS, has launched a website to highlight the various activities it has undertaken for Summit. The site contains information on the ITU Summit side events, the Council Working Group on WSIS, press releases, documents, publications, statistics and studies on the World Summit on the Information Society. For more information, please click here. 




27 Nov – 28 Nov 2003
Copenhagen Business School, EU e-Commerce Law – International Research conference, Koege, Denmark. The purpose of the conference is to discuss regulation of electronic commerce, disseminate information about ongoing research projects and to provide a forum for meeting other researchers within the field

04 Dec – 05 Dec 2003
Cities e-World-Lyon 2003, World Summit of Cities and Local Authorities on the Information Society, Lyon, France. The aim of this meeting is to take into account the specific perspectives of cities and regions complementing the World Summit of heads of state and government.

08 Dec – 09 Dec 2003
ITU, Global Symposium for Regulators, ITU Headquarters,Geneva. The 4th Annual GSR will focus on the practical tools regulators can use to increase universal access to ICTs prior to the World Summit on the Information Society.

09 Dec 2003
ITU, Panel Discussion on Future Evolution of ICT, Palexpo, Geneva. Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) from some of the world’s leading ICT players are to gather at an unprecedented meeting to produce a ‘Vision Statement’ that they believe will outline the future of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on the framework of the WSIS.


 Information Society Initiatives


Helloworld Project: Takes Control of Public Space with the Power of Words.
An ambitious global media art project combining language, landscapes and communication technology to create a visual dialogue will go on-line on the eve of the WSIS (9-12 Dec 2003). You will be invited to send in messages, either by sending an SMS to a dedicated number or by going to  These messages will be projected onto landmarks in Geneva (the Jet d’Eau), Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro. Video images of the projections will be broadcast live on the project website and at the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva. It is organized by the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs, Federal Office of Culture to the WSIS and created by the Swiss artist Johannes Gees. 

ICTs for Education and the Rights of Children in the Information Society
In preparation for the Summit, the United Nations Cyber Schoolbus and European Schoolnet are jointly organizing a series of events for schools from September to December 2003. Through a series of on-line activities, students are focusing on the right to send and receive information as well as the right to education, as described in Articles 19 and 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The World Summit Event for Schools will culminate with a live interaction between students and one or more Heads of State or government on 11 December and the first Global School Networks Alliance meeting, which will take place on December 12 at the Summit in Geneva. Register now!

Towards Open, Pluralistic and Equitable Knowledge Societies
Eminent political and intellectual world leaders will debate this key question at the UNESCO High-Level Symposium on “Building Knowledge Societies - from Vision to Action”. Starting on the eve of the World Summit 9 December, the high-level policy event will bring together Heads of State, Nobel Prize Winners, CEOs, artists and other world leaders. To learn more about the event, register online or view the programme, please click here

Big Blogger
The British Council’s initiative will bring a team of eight young journalists from the UK, Africa and Middle East to join forces to report from the World Summit on the Information Society. The “Big Blogger” will not only provide instant news and commentary from the three-day event in the news site  , but it will also encourage dialogue between young people in the West and Muslim worlds, and within the Muslim world itself.


 Information Links


For the information for summit participants, time management plan and other documents for the Geneva phase of the Summit, please click here.

Online registration for participants for the Geneva phase of WSIS is now available! Access to the on-line registration system is restricted to designated Focal Points. For delegations, organizations and entities wishing to participate, please click here

Media accreditation has begun for WSIS. For the form and for information on the required documentation, click here. For the updated version of the media information note for WSIS, please click here.

  Journalist registration is now available for the Role of Science in the Information Society (RSIS) conference, to be held at CERN on 8-9 December. To register, go to  and click on "participation".

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