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Building consensus through a participatory approach 
A “non-paper” on the Declaration of Principles was submitted by the President of PrepCom, Adama Samassékou, in order to facilitate the negotiation process at the next PrepCom3 Resumed Session from 10 to 14 November 2003. This alternative paper was the result of informal consultations and open-ended meetings with delegations in order to identify the main points in the Declaration, which required further negotiations. For the non-paper of the President of the WSIS PrepCom, please click here

Telecom Forum: Special Session on WSIS
This session brought together representatives from governments, inter-governmental organizations, civil society, the private sector and the media to debate the potential outcomes of the first phase of WSIS. For the list of speakers and their speeches, please click here

The Swiss Government appoints a special delegate to WSIS
Adolf Ogi, former member of the Swiss Federal Council and former President of the Swiss Confederation, has been appointed by the Swiss Government as a special delegate to the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva. His mandate is to help the coordination and intensify contacts with other governments in order to strive for a consensus in the Declaration of Principles and Action Plan during the first phase of the Summit.




10 Nov 2003 – 14 Nov 2003 
WSIS, Resumed Session of the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the WSIS (PrepCom-3), Geneva, Switzerland. The most recent versions of the draft Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action will serve as the basis for negotiations. The president non-paper will be considered as well. No new registration is necessary. For more information, please click here.

24 Oct 2003 – 21 Nov 2003
IICD, Talk to Her: A Dialogue to Action among Young Women in ICT. Understanding Challenges, Identifying Needs and Building Communities of Learning. From October 24 until November 21st 2003, young women from across the globe will connect in an electronic forum to discuss strategies for the integration of gender dimensions and empowerment of young women and girls at all levels of the ICT for development field. 

03 Nov 2003 – 05 Nov 2003
European Commission, RSA Conference Europe 2003: The European Network and Information Security Agency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Vendors, politicians and industry groups will come together to discuss the scope of the new European Network and Information Security Agency activities, the make-up of its board and its relationship with the private sector. 

06 Nov 2003 - 08 Nov 2003 
UNDP, UNICT Task Force, International Forum on National Information and Communication Technology Strategies and E-governance, Baku, Azerbaijan


 Information Society Initiatives


An online community platform before, during and beyond the Summit
The community platform is an initiative of Switzerland, host country of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Its main objectives are to promote the Summit Events, to foster exchange among the various participants and organisations and to support the implementation of the Summit Action Plan. The online platform will also serve as a tool for follow-up between the Geneva 2003 phase and the Tunis 2005 phase of the WSIS. Click here to get an overview of all Summit Events, join the online showcase of ICT for Development Platform or find out about exhibitors and their projects.

Dialogue from your home with the world’s main media executives!
The World Electronic Media Forum will gather the world’s media leaders in Geneva from 9 to 12 December 2003 to highlight the essential role of media and the contribution of broadcasters in shaping the world of tomorrow. Interactive sessions will highlight themes such as the impact of the media on world violence, media freedom in the information society and the influence of the media on the political world agenda. All sessions of the World Electronic Media Forum will be broadcasted around the world and accessible live wherever people want to interact live with the most important media executives in Geneva. The outcome will be an action plan for broadcasters for the 21st century. Please, click here to find more about the preliminary list of speakers.

ITC and SECO to help small exporters in developing countries put 'E' to work to overcome the digital divide 
The International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) will organize a series of interactive workshops as part of the ICT4D Platform during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to help small firms in developing countries become more competitive in today's rapidly changing marketplace, using information and communication technologies (11-12 December 2003). These interactive workshops follow up major themes of the InfoDev Symposium, which will take place from 9 to10 December 2003). ITC will also host the Global Meeting of the E-Trade Bridge Network (8-10 December), and hold an exhibit with seco entitled "The Changing Marketplace", featuring e-related tools, services, best practice cases and other material, including an issue of Forum Magazine entirely dedicated to WSIS.


 Information Links


For the Information for Participants for the first phase of the Summit, please click here

Online registration for participants for the Geneva phase of WSIS is now available! Access to the on-line registration system is restricted to designated Focal Points. For delegations, organizations and entities wishing to participate, please click here

Media accreditation has begun for WSIS. For the form and for information on the required documentation, click here

  Other important deadlines, key dates and events of the Summit process

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