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  主页 : ITU-R; : 大会和会议; : : 提案/议项


注:提案是从文稿中自 动摘录的,而文稿仍作为参考文件。


议项 1.13

1   [on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC-2000, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:]

1.13   [to consider regulatory provisions and possible identification of existing frequency allocations for services which may be used by high altitude platform stations, taking into account No. 5.543A and the results of the ITU-R studies conducted in accordance with Resolutions 122 (Rev.WRC-2000) and 734 (WRC-2000)]

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