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ITU Regional Development Forum 2008:
"Bridging the ICT standardization gap in developing countries" for the Asia-Pacific Region, 15 – 17 (AM) September 2008
  Final Programme  
Day 1, 15 September 2008  
0930 — 1000 Opening ceremony: Welcome and Keynote addresses

Master of Ceremonies: Ms Pham Trinh Huong (Officer, Department of International Cooperation, MIC, Viet Nam)

Chairman of the Forum: H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung (Vice Minister of MIC, Viet Nam)
  • Opening remarks : Malcolm Johnson (Director of TSB)
  • Welcome (Keynote) address: H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung (Vice Minister of Information and Communications of Viet Nam)
  • Opening address: Toshiyuki Yamada (Secretary General of APT)
1000 — 1030 Coffee break hosted by CISCO
1030 — 1230 ORIENTATION SESSION: Assessing standardization needs and Asia-Pacific development issues

Session Chairman: Phan Tam (Deputy Director General of Department of International Cooperation, MIC, Viet Nam)

Objectives: This session will assess the impact of ICT standardization on Asia-Pacific countries and will present ICT development experiences and opportunities in ASP
  • Linkage between ICT standardization and development: The case of developing countries: Nguyen Thanh Hai, (Officer, Department of Science-Technology, MIC, Viet Nam)
  • A way to bridge NGN standards gaps; Social solution-oriented collaboration: Yuji Inoue (TTC, Japan)
  • New business models and partnerships for productivity, competitiveness and innovation gains for the Asia Pacific Service Provider: Sri Sridhar (Director, Service Provider Business Asia-Pacific, Cisco)
  • How to participate in ITU-T Standardization Work: Gary Fishman (Chairman, TSAG)
1230 — 1400 Luncheon hosted by VIETTEL
1400 — 1545 SESSION 1: Overview of ITU activities: how to participate in ITU standardization work and address global connectivity

Session Chairman: Eun-Ju Kim (Head, ITU Regional Office for  Asia and the Pacific) [ BIOGRAPHY ]

Objectives: This session will provide an overview of ITU standardization activities from different ITU Sectors relevant to Asia-Pacific countries. It will highlight decisions taken by the 2006 Plenipotentiary Conference concerning bridging the standardization gap (Resolution 123) and the activities carried out by the ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D Sectors.
  • An overview of the ITU-T Sector: Bridging the standardization gap and facilitating participation in ITU-T activities: Paolo Rosa (ITU/TSB)
  • An overview of the ITU-R Sector: Kevin Hughes (ITU/BR)
  • An overview of the ITU-D Sector: Asia-Pacific Regional Initiatives and Activities: Sameer Sharma (ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific)
  • ITU-D Study Group Activities: Nataša Gospić (ITU-D Rapporteur)
1545 — 1600 Coffee break hosted by CISCO
1600 — 1700 SESSION 2 : Emerging ICT regulatory and standardization issues for Asia-Pacific

Session Chairman: John Visser (Nortel Canada) [ BIOGRAPHY | CONCLUSION ]

Objectives : This session will focus on ITU activities to help ICT development and implementation in developing countries
  WELCOME DINNER hosted by MIC Viet Nam, Hanoi Sheraton Hotel
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Day 2, 16 September 2008  
0900 — 1030 SESSION 3 : Current ITU-T standardization hot topics

Session Chairman: Paolo Rosa (ITU/TSB) [ BIOGRAPHY ]

Objectives: This session will address current standardization topics in ITU-T. It will present each topic from various perspectives: technology, evolution and trends, current and future studies, new services that could derive from new technologies particularly focusing on how they could serve the Asia-Pacific region.
1030 — 1045 Coffee break hosted by CISCO
1045 — 1215 SESSION 4 : International radiocommunication standards and guidelines

Session Chairman: Akira Hashimoto (ITU-R SG5 Chairman) [ BIOGRAPHY ]

Objectives: This session will address the ITU-R standards making process, with emphasis in the collaboration with external organizations and the participation of developing countries; proposals in how to address the standardization gap issues will be presented.
1215 — 1345 Luncheon hosted by VNPT Group
1345 — 1515 SESSION 5: Security and Regulatory issues

Session Chairman: TF So (Assistant Director of Telecommunications, Office of the Telecommunications Authority, Hong Kong/China)  [ BIOGRAPHY ]

Objectives: This session will provide an overview of security standards and current security standardization work. It will assess whether developing countries and countries with economies in transition have any special security need that is not already being addressed by the current studies. Security topics will include technologies and convergence implications and will cover cybersecurity issues e.g. combating spam and identity management. Moreover, there will be presented case study/experiences from developing countries and other regions.
  • Improving Internet Security: Australia’s Spam and BotNet initiatives: Mick Owens (ACMA, Australia)
  • Cybersecurity: The challenge of the ITU: Paolo Rosa (ITU/TSB)
  • Regulatory and security issues arising from the migration to the Next Generation Networks: TF So (Assistant Director OFTA, Hong Kong)
  • § ITU-T Study Group 3 Tariffs and Accounting Issues: Kishik Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), R.O.Korea)
  • Security and regulatory issues for the Pacific Islands: Maui Sanford (President, Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association)
1515 — 1530 Coffee break hosted by CISCO
1530 — 1700 SESSION 6: Development trends of NGN technology as well as migration scenario and strategies

Session Chairman: Kishik Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), R.O. Korea)  [ BIOGRAPHY ]

Objectives: This session will present the evolution of NGN and future perspectives in the relevant access technologies, service and network architecture with special focus on convergence, home, office and mobile applications, Internet protocol-based platforms and multiple access networks. It will be devoted to the evolution of the network architecture towards NGN and IMS, fixed-mobile convergence, evolution: towards a new generation of broadband mobile, PSTN/ISDN evolution to NGN, pilot cases, and possible scenarios taking into consideration the relevant business models and opportunities.
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Day 3, 17 September 2008  
0900 — 1015 SESSION 7: WTSA-08 Issues

Session Chairmen: Bob Horton (Chairman of APT WTSA Preparatory Committee) [ BIOGRAPHY ]

Objectives: This session will review the major outcome of WTSA-04 and the preparation status of WTSA-08, including qualified participants, duties of WTSA-08, and information on logistics as well as information on round table to be organized on 20 October 2008, just before WTSA-08. Panel Discussion on Preparation for GSS – Above Speakers Plus
  • Ron Box (ACMA, Australia)
  • Akira Hashimoto (Chairman, ITU-R SG5)
1015 — 1030 Coffee break hosted by CISCO
1130 — 1200 WRAP-UP SESSION: Future initiatives, next steps and conclusions

Session Chairman: Phan Tam (Deputy Director General of the Department of International Cooperation, MIC, Viet Nam)
1200 — 1300 Luncheon hosted by MIC Viet Nam
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Updated : 2008-09-19