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: G.511 |
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G.511 : Test methodology for Group 3 facsimile processing equipment in the Public Switched Telephone Network
This Recommendation was renumbered as ITU-T Rec. T.5 on 2002-02-15 without further modification
In force components |
Title |
Status |
T.5 (02/98) |
Test methodology for Group 3 facsimile processing equipment in the Public Switched Telephone Network
This text was first approved and published as ITU-T Rec. G.511, and then renumbered as T.5 on 2002-02-15 without further modification
In force
Superseded and Withdrawn components |
Title |
Status |
G.511 (02/98) |
Test methodology for Group 3 facsimile processing equipment in the Public Switched Telephone Network
This Recommendation was renumbered as ITU-T Rec. T.5 on 2002-02-15 without further modification