World Telecommunication Day 1999

IHT October 14, 1999

On-Line Store Security

The security of e-commerce transactions continues to worry many home Internet users - the potential shoppers e-commerce companies are so busy courting. The most concerned still use floppy disks to transfer sensitive information from one computer to another. But new systems are about to revolutionize on-line protection.

Among the newer security products is e-Gap, a system developed by Whale Communications Inc. that shuttles data and e-commerce between two disconnected networks virtually in real time, preventing hackers from breaking into a company or organization's internal system.

Instead of physically connecting networks, e-Gap provides a stand-alone, nonprogrammable device that transfers memory banks between two computer hosts, each connected to its own network. The hacker finds no Web server, allowing the on-line shopper to purchase with peace of mind.

Julia Clerk