With this final WSIS Flash of the year 2020 we would like to wish you a very happy holiday and a prosperous New Year!
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WSIS Flash Newsletter
Season's Greetings and Happy New Year
Dear WSIS Stakeholders,
With this final WSIS Flash of the year 2020 we would like to wish you a very happy holiday and a prosperous New Year!

We also take this opportunity to inform you of the Open Calls for Action for the WSIS Forum 2021 and their respective deadlines.
  ⇒  The deadline for the Open Consultation Process (OCP) is on the 8th of March 2021
The OCP aims at ensuring a participatory and inclusive spirit of the Forum. This process actively engages multistakeholders in the preparatory process to ensure broad ownership and further improvements of the Forum.
You can request workshops, an exhibition space, propose speakers and provide inputs on the format and themes of the WSIS Forum 2021!
OCP Submission form - itu.int/go/OCP2021

  ⇒  Do not miss the deadline for the WSIS Prizes 2021 it is on the 25th of January 2021
Submit your outstanding Projects that leverage the power of ICTs to the most globally recognized ICT for Development International Annual Awards through this link - www.wsis.org/prizes

  ⇒  Submissions for the WSIS Photo Contest 2021 will be accepted until the 8th of March 2021
Submit your photo that shows how ICTs are playing an enabling role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The submission form will be available soon on this link - itu.int/go/OCP2021

  ⇒  You can also nominate your representative for the High-Level Track Facilitator before the 8th of March 2021 by emailing us at wsis-info@itu.int

We invite member states, sector members and associates to make voluntary contributions to the special trust fund to support activities relating to the implementation of the WSIS outcomes – Learn more about our Partnership Opportunities here.
WSIS Flash Newsletter
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