Nominated Projects

Category 14 — AL C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-science (20 Projects)

Girls and Women Priority Involvement in Scientific Research Initiative

The main goal of this initiative is to provide access for girls and women to participate in research and to acquire and apply skills and knowledge. The objective of this initiative is to involve girls and women in research in the field of ICT, as well as… more »

“Be a Donor - Donate Plasma”

"The service is intended for all citizens who have been recovered from the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, and who can donate their blood plasma, so as to help in the treatment of newly infected patients. Convalescent… more »

Abu Dhabi Data

AD Data is an Open Data Platform designed for creating value added services to the Emirate’s Citizens and Residents unlocking potential economic value of inaccessible government data. It has gathered momentum in a short span garnering 630K+ views, 100K d… more »

China Mobile 5G wireless network energy-saving technology research, development and large-scale application

As the world’s largest mobile communications operator, China Mobile’s total power consumption of 2G/3G/4G base stations in 2018 exceeded 14 billion kWh. Because of 5G involves Massive MIMO, high bandwidth, and high transmission power, the power consumpti… more »

COVID-19 Knowledge and Data Hub

Only a few hours after WHO announced the COVID-19 as PHEIC in the morning of 31 Jan. 2020 in Beijing time, we (CCIT/CCLH-CAST and IGSNRR/CAS) started the joint action to establish a platform on COVID-19 knowledge and database system based on the hub meth… more »

Descriptive Paragraph Facility in Virtual Reality Rehabilitation and Biofeedback System

In the current era, Virtual Reality (VR) technology is widely used in the field of home-based rehabilitation. Besides that, biofeedback system including electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) are employed to keep tra… more »

Emirati School Smart Learning Ecosystem

The MOE has embarked on an innovative and ambitious project of defining and implementing a complete ecosystem for education, which will target all administrative, teaching and learning activities, and will also include employees, students and parents. Th… more »

Epidemiological Surveillance 4.0

The main objective of epidemiological surveillance systems is to detect epidemics early, collecting and analyzing information that allows political decision-makers and health professionals to design the corresponding control and monitoring strategies. Th… more »


3Bee targets small, medium and large beekeepers. By now, the largest part of them is located in Italy, but the plan is to expand to Europe. The network that has been created is made up of a big variety of realities, ranging from very small family busin… more »

Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage Knowledge Base

CAWST’s Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) Knowledge Base is an interactive, user-friendly, web-based resource centre and mobile app that provides access to open content, downloadable HWTS education, and training resources. Most resources … more »


INNO-LABO is a medical analysis laboratory solution designed primarily to help laboratories organize the various tasks necessary for performing analyzes. The solution takes into account the entire process of biological analysis, that is to say from patie… more »

Intelligent Active Learning Surveillance and Monitoring Platform for Non-Communicable Diseases in Palestine

MEDACINS objective is to replace the current traditional practice of nutrition intervention in the region with a more data-driven approach using Advanced Supervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. We established a regional intelligent surveillance and … more »

International Research, Development and Testing Centre for new equipment, technologies, and services

Now IoT, Industrial Internet (IIoT), Tactile Internet, Information Quantum Technologies, Smart Cities and Communities (SC&C), 5G/IMT-2020 and subsequent generations of communication networks, including 2030 networks (NET-2030), are the basis for sustaina… more »

MOST 3D: MOnitoring traditional orchards ("STreuobstwiesen") using remote sensing focussing on 3D laserscanning data

The Anthropocene is characterized by climate change, biodiversity loss, and depletion of ecosystem services. In Europe, traditional orchards (Streuobstwiesen) are an important agroecosystem that provide many ecosystem services (e.g. fruit production, pol… more »


A platform specifically made for made for Stem students who are finding it hard to study for exams without the physical lab apparatus. During the time of Covid-19, the world went into a lockdown, with universities shut, it was difficult for everyone. It’… more »

Sensonomic yield systems

We solve an efficiency problem in agricultural systems, that is how do we do the right activities, at the right location, and at the right time. Through data fusion of spatial and temporal data we improve the value capture of the crucial first mile in… more »

Soil Carbon Assessment using Remote Sensing

Soil carbon content is a key indicator of soil fertility and good farming practices. It is also an indicator of the amount of carbon storing capacity of soils. With Big-Ag moving towards regenerative agriculture, the current practice of collecting and an… more »

Using Artificial Intelligence to provide early detection of sepsis

Sepsis is a very dangerous condition arising when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs, potentially leading to death or significant morbidity. Since these infections are often resistant to antibiotics, they can rapidly l… more »

Wikis, Education & Research

"Due to the global pandemic situation, caused by the SARS-CoV-2, the training sessions that were initially scheduled to take place in a face-to-face scenario had to shift to a b-learning modality. This implied the use of video-conference tools (namely Zo… more »


As Europe is implementing actions to accelerate its adaptation to the changing climate, it needs to take advantage of artificial intelligence–based technologies which are able to address the complexities surrounding the many dimensions of crop production… more »