Outcomes of the High-level Policy Sessions and Conclusion of High-Level Track by Chairman


Session 420

15:00–16:00 (UTC+02:00), Thursday, 20 May 2021 Real-time human captioning High-Level Policy Session

Outcomes of the High-level Policy Sessions and Conclusion of High-Level Track by Chairman

Appreciation Ceremony for the High-Level Track Facilitators of the WSIS Forum 2021

Mr. Houlin Zhao
Mr. Houlin Zhao Secretary-General International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

H.E. Mr. Maxim Parshin
H.E. Mr. Maxim Parshin Deputy-Minister, Chairman of the WSIS Forum 2021 Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, Russian Federation

Ms. Gitanjali Sah
Ms. Gitanjali Sah Strategy and Policy Coordinator International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Moderator

Dr. Olga Cavalli
Dr. Olga Cavalli Co-founder and Director South School on Internet Governance

Olga Cavalli is an Internet leader whose work has been fundamental for enhancing
participation of Latin America and the Caribbean in Internet Governance.
She is the co-founder and the academic director of the South school on Internet Governance which has granted thousands of fellowships for attending an intensive training on Internet Governance, organized in different countries of the Americas since 2008. The School is also open to the community through remote participation with video streaming and different languages, hosting thousands of attendees from all over the world. She is also the co-founder of other capacity-building activities: Dominios Latinoamerica, ARGENSIG, the Argentina School on Internet Governance
and Desafíos de Internet, among other webinars and training activities. 

Ms. Amali De Silva - Mitchell
Ms. Amali De Silva - Mitchell Coordinator Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies

Amali De Silva - Mitchell, is founder and Coordinator of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) recognized Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies. She founded the North American Civil Society Caucus during WSIS PrepCom I. She is past President Vancouver Community Network(ISP), past Director Freedom of Information & Privacy Association of British Columbia, past Director (& Editor Global Village Calendar) United Nations Association Victoria, BC. She also currently participates with EuroDIG events and is an individual EURALO(ICANN) and ISOC UK member. She is a Chartered Professional Accountant of British Columbia Canada, and holds a BSc(Hons) degree in Economics from the University of Warwick UK; MSc International Accounting & Finance degree from the London School of Economics UK and pursued the MSc Computer Science Program at Imperial College (not completed) UK. 
She currently works as an accountant with an interest in risk management and has worked in the technology, manufacturing, natural resources, accounting and consulting, civil society and provincial government sectors for the past 25 years. She is also an artist. She is a dual British and Sri Lankan national.

Mr. William Njoroge
Mr. William Njoroge Head of Technology Ol Pejeta Conservancy

William is the Head of Technology at Ol Pejeta Conservancy where he provides vison and leadership for developing and implementing technology initiatives which cut across enterprise IT, renewable energy and emerging & disruptive technologies. He Leads Ol Pejeta's digital transformation journey in support of conservation and community development. He is responsible for technology policies and strategic direction, ensuring Ol Pejeta staff have sufficient skills in business systems and cybersecurity, and performs donor liaison on conservation tech projects.
William is very passionate about emerging technologies and derivessatisfaction from the impact of technology on people and operations, especially in areas that are traditionally considered to be non-tech. He is currently running some interesting IoT and remote sensing projects that leverage on the power of cloud computing and artificial intelligence.William is a certified Project Management Professional and holds a BSc. Software Engineering from Kenyatta University.

Mr. Nino Letteriello
Mr. Nino Letteriello President DAMA Italy and EMEA

programmes, Nino is the recipient of the DAMA International Excellence Award 2020, part of the top 100 data and analytics most influential people of 2021 and has spent last few years sharing, promoting and educating corporate and no for profit institutes on Data and Information Management best practises and standards.
Nino is current President of the Italian Data Management Association and the first Europe, Middle East and Africa Regional Coordinator (EMEA) for DAMA as well as MIT CDO Symposium Co-Chair promoting initiatives on Women in Data, Ethical Data Management, Data Benefit for Communities and Smart and Sustainable Travel.

Ms. Rachel Sibande
Ms. Rachel Sibande Senior Director, Country Outreach Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) at the United Nations Foundation

Rachel works to demonstrate sector-wide collaboration between D4D actors in deploying initiatives that enhance data use for evidence-based decision-making. She joined DIAL in September 2017 as Program Director, supporting program partners in selected countries.
Prior to joining DIAL, Rachel established Malawi’s first technology hub; mHub. Through the hub, she championed the development and deployment of innovative technology solutions across fields such as elections monitoring, citizen engagement and agriculture in Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. She has over 11 years of industry experience spanning academia, development and social enterprise domains.
Rachel is a PhD candidate in computer science at Rhodes University in South Africa. She holds a Master of Science in coding theory and cryptography from Mzuzu University and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Malawi.

Ms. Meera Das
Ms. Meera Das London

Previously a software Tester/ Quality Assurance professional at Barclays Investment Bank in London with over 15 years in the IT Industry. 

Meera is also a volunteer Area Director at Toastmasters International and is passionate about Leadership, Diversity & Inclusion, empowering others to achieve their best potential.

Dr. Asan Gani Bin Abdul Muthalif
Dr. Asan Gani Bin Abdul Muthalif Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department Qatar University

Dr Asan G. A. Muthalif is an Associate Professor at the Dept of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Qatar University. He obtained his Bachelor (1st Hons) and Master’s degrees in Mechatronics Engineering from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He earned a PhD from the University of Cambridge UK in 2008. Upon completing PhD, he continued post-doctoral research for a year at Cambridge University. He had also served as a teaching assistant at the university.  
Before joining Qatar University, he was attached to the Faculty of Engineering IIUM- Malaysia, where he served as Head of Mechatronics Dept., followed by Associate Dean (Academic) before being appointed as Dean-Centre for Postgraduate Studies.  
Dr Asan is a certified Professional Engineer (PEng) and Professional Technologist (PTech). He is a senior member of IEEE, a life member of MySET & MINDS, a founding member of SVAM, member of ASME, IIAV, and BEM. He is appointed as an evaluation panel by various agencies such as; the Malaysian Qualifications Agency, Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, and Public Service Dept. of Malaysia. He was a working group member to develop the National Policy of Science Technology and Innovation Malaysia. He had also served as an Associate Fellow of the Academic of Sciences Malaysia. He is also appointed as an external assessor for Faculty of Engineering UTHM.  

Ms. Kristin Little
Ms. Kristin Little Senior Manager IEEE

Kristin Little is a Senior Manager of Public Affairs at IEEE where she helps to facilitate mutual understanding between technologists and policymakers and build global communities that advance technology to benefit humanity.
Kristin has 15 years experience with the World Bank, designing, conducting, and contributing to field-based, mixed-methods evaluations of over $200B of investments. This work helped to help shape new policies and improve resource allocation in areas such as adoption of new technologies, infrastructure, disasters, water, cultural heritage, and social development. 
In 2020 Kristin was appointed Digital Cooperation and Diplomacy Fellow by The People-Centered Internet -- a not-for-profit organization founded by Vint Cerf and Mei Lin Fung working to ensure the Internet is a positive force for good. 
Kristin holds a bachelor’s degree in International Development Studies from UC Berkeley, and two master’s degrees from MIT—MCP (Urban Planning) and MArch (Architecture).

Ms. Kirthi Jayakumar
Ms. Kirthi Jayakumar Founder The Gender Security Project

Kirthi Jayakumar is a feminist researcher and lawyer from Chennai, India. She founded and runs The Gender Security Project, one of the few WPS centres in the global south, which works at the cusp of gender, security, peace, and conflict through research, reportage, and documentation. Kirthi coded an app for survivors of gender-based violence called Saahas, which works as a web and mobile app. She taught herself to code and created a web app, a mobile app and a Facebook ChatBot to support survivors of gender-based violence across 196 countries, and to assist bystander intervention.

Mr. Clifford Schmidt
Mr. Clifford Schmidt Founder and Executive Director AMPLIO

Cliff is founder and executive director of Amplio, a Seattle-based nonprofit that creates proven, safe, and equitable technology to reach the world’s hardest-to-reach communities. Amplio’s battery-powered Talking Book audio device enables governments and global organizations to share hours of local language content on demand. Since 2007, Talking Book programs have reached over one million listeners in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Niger, Liberia, and Zambia, with programs expanding to new countries and regions. The Talking Book is recognized by UNESCO as an inclusive digital solution that low-literate adults and youth can use to gain new skills and knowledge to improve their livelihoods and lives.
Cliff is a two-time recipient of Microsoft’s Integral Fellows Award and has received The Tech Award, a Computerworld Honors Award, and Wise Award for the Talking Book program. He was selected as a Clinton Global Initiative member and a PBS Newshour Agent of Change. Prior to starting Amplio, Cliff was a software developer for Microsoft and a nuclear engineering officer for the U.S. Navy Submarine Force. He received a BS in cognitive science from MIT and a MS in computer science and engineering from the University of Washington.

Ms. Eleanor Sarpong
Ms. Eleanor Sarpong Deputy Director and Policy Lead Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI)/Web Foundation

Eleanor is A4AI’s Deputy Director and Policy Lead. She leads policy and advocacy efforts with particular oversight on all A4AI’s country engagement work in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. A public policy expert with 19-year multidisciplinary experience in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, her expertise includes ICT regulation, taxation, access, connectivity, universal service and data protection. Eleanor is an alum of the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education Program, and holds an MBA from the Warwick Business School.