United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  





go Information Society events calendar: This calendar contains general events on Information Society as well as WSIS related events from the first to the second phase of WSIS, with brief descriptions and links.


 WSIS Timetable for the Geneva Phase

For WSIS timetable of the Tunis Phase click here

Year 2002

go 28-30 May - African Regional Conference, Bamako (Mali)

go 1-5 July - First Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-1), Geneva (Switzerland)

go 16-18 September - Informal Meeting on Content and Themes, Geneva (Switzerland)

go 7-9 November - Pan-European Regional Conference, Bucharest (Romania)

Year 2003

go 13-15 January - Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Tokyo (Japan)

go 29-31 January - Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Conference, Bávaro (Dominican Republic)

go 4-6 February - Western Asia Regional Conference, Beirut (Lebanon)

go 17-28 February - Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-2), Geneva (Switzerland)

go 15-18 July - Intersessional Meeting, Paris (France)

go 15-26 September - Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-3), Geneva (Switzerland)

go 10-14 November - Resumed session of the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-3), Geneva (Switzerland)

go 5-6 December - Resumed session of the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-3), Geneva (Switzerland)

go 9 December - Resumed session of the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-3), Geneva (Switzerland)

go 10-12 December - World Summit on the Information Society - Geneva Phase, Geneva (Switzerland)




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