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MEDIA ALERT: Building an effective Information Society in Asia and the Pacific
WSIS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, 31 May - 2 June 2005, Tehran


Geneva, 30 May 2005 - The High Level Asia-Pacific Conference for the World Summit on the Information Society will be held in Tehran from 31 May to 2 June 2005, jointly organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), ITU regional office for Asia and the Pacific, and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with UNDP-APDIP. The Conference is expected to adopt the Regional Action Plan towards an Information Society for Asia and the Pacific, and the Tehran Declaration on Building an Information Society and discuss follow up and implementation strategies/activities. The Conference will also discuss progress made in between the first and second phases of WSIS, the issues of Internet governance, and best practices of financial mechanisms for ICT for development. It will deliberate on ICT for knowledge-based disaster management with a view to formulating a regional framework for disaster management. The outcome of the Conference will be presented to WSIS PrepCom-3 in Geneva in September 2005. 

Discussions are expected to focus on the following topics:

  • Internet governance 
  • Financial mechanisms
  • Focus on best practices related to ICT for development
  • ICT for Knowledge-based Disaster Management
  • Development of the Regional Action Plan
  • Finalization of the Tehran Declaration

The Conference is expected to build on the outcomes of earlier conferences that focused on follow-up of the Geneva phase of WSIS particularly on the four sub-regional meetings in Bishkek, Suva, Bali and Kathmandu.

What: WSIS Regional Preparatory Conference for Asia and the Pacific
When: 31 May - 2 June 2005
Where: International Conference Centre, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Why: Develop Regional Action Plan and input for WSIS Tunis
Who: Keynote addresses by Mr Charles Geiger, Director WSIS Executive Secretariat and representing ITU; Mr Janis Karklins, President of the WSIS PrepCom, Mr Kim Hak-su, Executive Secretary UN/ESCAP; Mr Nitin Desai, UN Special Adviser to WSIS.


For further information:

Mr Sunil Narula
United Nations Information Centre
# 39, Shahrzad Boulevard
Darrous, Tehran
Tel: +98 21 287 3837
Email: contact


For further information about the World Summit on the Information Society contact:

Mr Sanjay Acharya
Communication Officer
WSIS Executive Secretariat
Tel: +41 22 730 5046
Email: contact  



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