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  主页 : ITU-R; : 信息; : [Newsflashes]

- Actions towards the establishment of the reference situation concerning the broadcasting service

Circular letter CR/217, provides information on the reference situation for those analogue broadcasting assignments recorded in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) by 31 December 1989 with a favourable finding with respect to the applicable provisions of the Radio Regulations, and without complaint of harmful interference received by the Radiocommunication Bureau, for the territories covered by the ST61 or the GE89 Agreements, or both. Applying the definition and eliminating those assignments that have equivalents in the current versions of the ST61 and GE89 Plans, resulted in 1 320 frequency assignments, from 18 Member States that qualify to form part of this reference situation. Administrations are invited to indicate to the Bureau those frequency assignments from this list that are not to be taken into account in the planning process.



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最近更新日期 : 2014-08-13