Page 21 - Redefining smart city platforms: Setting the stage for Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms - A U4SSC deliverable on city platforms
P. 21

The TM Forum Smart City Maturity and Benchmark Model provides a way to assess your city or
            community against statements of good practice.  The Maturity Model is broadly grouped into five
            dimensions, each representing a major aspect of smart city transformation:

            1  Leadership and Governance

            2  Stakeholder Engagement and Citizen Focus
            3  Effective Use of Data

            4  Integrated ICT Infrastructure

            5  Existing Levels of Smartness

            The first four dimensions allow a city to assess the city-wide capabilities that are necessary for the
            city to become a truly smart city, rather than being a collection of smart applications or “islands” of
            smartness. The final dimension allows the city to assess how far it has already integrated smartness
            into the different aspects of city life.

            The Leadership and Governance dimension area reviews the breadth and depth of city leadership,
            the efficiency of city management, the commitment to learn from best practice, the strategic
            management of smart city initiatives and the transformational mindset in the city's approach.

            The Stakeholder Engagement and Citizen Focus dimension area reviews the customer and
            stakeholder needs, the citizen and business engagement for smart city initiatives, the strength of
            communities and social equity, the collaboration with third parties, and how the business community
            is engaged.

            The Effective Use of Data dimension area reviews the openness and sharing of data, data
            interoperability and use of common standards, privacy, security and data analytics.

            The Integrated ICT Infrastructure dimension area reviews how assets are deployed and linked to
            deliver city services, the city-wide IT architecture, the commitment to open standards, the integration
            of IoT and how cloud computing is used by the city.

            Finally, the Existing Levels of Smartness dimension area investigates how far the city is already
            using the power of data to transform the way it manages its core infrastructures, its facilities and
            buildings, its core services, the city environment and its external interfaces and dependencies.

            Another relevant resource for this step is the ITU Y.4904 Smart and Sustainable Cities Maturity
            Model, which provides a way of assessing how well your city or community is using ICT and data
            to support the three key dimensions:
            –  Dimension 1 – Economic: The ability to generate income and employment for the livelihood of
                the citizens.

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