Page 46 - U4SSC Case study Daegu, Korea (Republic of), February 2022
P. 46

The goal is to make it a smart city platform that will be used to improve the quality of life of the

            6.1.3  Bus Management System (BMS)

            Figure 15: BMS signs

                                                              Daegu implemented a Bus Operation
                                                              Management System (BMS) in August 2006.
                                                              As of 2020, the Daegu BMS allows for real-
                                                              time information to be displayed at each
                                                              of the 3 226 bus stops and individual bus
                                                              locations to mitigate traffic congestion in the
                                                              city centre, ensure on-time arrival of buses
                                                              and comply with dispatch intervals.

                                                              Anyone can search for bus information easily
                                                              by accessing the Daegu City bus information
                                                              system through their smartphone or PC.

            In addition, bus information guides have been installed at major stations since 2012, allowing
            inhabitants to check bus arrival times, and current time and weather information without additional

            By continuously expanding the installation of bus information guidance devices, Daegu plans to
            continue to promote an environment in which all inhabitants can receive accurate bus information.

            Figure 16: Screenshot - Daegu bus information website

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