Page 6 - Smart public health emergency management and ICT implementations - A U4SSC deliverable on city platforms
P. 6

Executive summary

            The world is currently facing an unprecedented situation owing to the Covid-19 coronavirus
            pandemic, which has impacted all avenues of life. Cities with growing populations have been
            adversely affected with significant loss of life. Despite being on the smart city transition trajectory
            with a variety of ICT solutions being used to fight the virus, several cities have been unable to
            effectively deal with the pandemic.

            Smart sustainable cities (SSC), predicated on ICT-based innovation, are capable of fostering data-
            driven smart applications to manage limited resources and implement them to thwart the advent
            of future pandemics of the same magnitude. In the context of Sustainable Development Goal
            3 (Global Heath) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, public health-related
            disasters form a core concern. Additionally, the concept of “resilience” is also elucidated in
            Sustainable Development Goal 1 (Poverty Eradication) and Goal 11 (Make cities inclusive, safe,
            resilient and sustainable).

            In this scenario, linking the smart city endeavours to manage future pandemics/epidemics to the
            attainment of the SDGs serves a dual purpose. With the utilization of appropriate emergency
            communication and public health frameworks, it will become easier to develop models to predict
            the spread of diseases, ascertain the source of illnesses, coordinate lockdowns, detect and report
            symptoms, identify viral strains and provide remote assistance (as required with limited human
            interaction) through an IoT-based infrastructure.

            Based on this premise, this document explores the context of public health and the importance of
            active surveillance mechanisms in the urban ecosystem to enable emerging communications for
            public health disasters and the incorporation of IoT, AI and data-driven frameworks to provide timely
            responses to epidemics and pandemics, while implementing generic public health operational
            processes derived from the methodologies adopted for past crises. Moreover, this document
            concludes with a smart public health framework, which utilizes these tools, defines a pandemic
            lifecycle and specifies when mass surveillance tools are applied (for dealing with the outbreak).

             iv  U4SSC: Smart public health emergency management and ICT implementations
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