Page 7 - U4SSC Simple ways to be smart
P. 7

The smart and sustainable interventions selected are characterized by ease of implementation,
            low cost, and proven benefits. They are not intended to be a prescriptive checklist of smart
            interventions that cities ought to undertake. Rather they are intended to inspire cities with some
            possibilities of what can be achieved using smart technologies and ideas. The hope is that the
            selected interventions help a wide range of cities and settlements to be part of a strategic and
            holistic process of development towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

            The cases identified fall into five categories that illustrate the range of benefits that can result from
            smart interventions. There are cases that (1) improve city administration, (2) have environmental
            benefits, (3) change the role of people in the city, (4) improve the experience of living in the city
            and (5) improve the resilience of the city. These five areas of city improvement are discussed in
            Chapter 3, however, they are not intended to be the only areas in which cities can get smarter.
            These areas highlighted aim to illustrate simple ways to be smart and to inspire cities into thinking
            about how their specific problems can be addressed in a smart manner.

            The report includes a simple framework that encourages cities to evaluate city problems in terms
            of information and communication components, and the potential for improvement that comes
            from being smarter in these two areas. It also briefly delves into the key factors relevant for the
            implementation of smart initiatives. The target audience for this report is local government officers
            responsible for city planning and management. Other key smart city stakeholders are also expected
            to benefit from the core themes addressed in this report.

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