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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          the over‑provisioning of network resources. The general  velop comprehensive centralized and distributed recon‑
          idea for such an allocation scheme is to control network   iguration frameworks based on  irm bandwidth compu‑
          access in a timely and orderly fashion such that a maxi‑  tation strategies that execute at run‑time. Further, we
          mum number of streams can be effectively serviced.   conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation of our
          Our objective therefore is to maximize the number of ad‑  two frameworks considering common packet  low QoS
          mitted  lows (i.e., tasks or streams) in such a dynami‑  metrics for both high‑priority ST and low‑priority BE traf‑
          cally changing and volatile environment whilst keeping   ic.
          the TSN QoS metric guarantees. In this paper, we fo‑  The proposed approach by Nayak et al. [67] exploits the
          cus on the IEEE 802.1Qbv [2] enhancements and design  logicalcentralizationparadigmofSDNwithreal‑timetraf‑
          a recon iguration framework taking inspiration from the   ic to achieve optimal scheduling and routing. Integer Lin‑
          IEEE 802.1Qcc [3] standards for managing, con iguring,  ear Programming (ILP) formulations were used to solve
          and recon iguring a TSN network.                     the combined problem of routing and scheduling time
          In IEEE 802.1Qbv, a TAS time slot (corresponding to a  triggered traf ic. Two main proposals for routing are
          GCE and also referred to as slot time) is de ined as the  given, namely   ) scheduling and path‑sets routing, and     )
          portion of the cycle time (CT, which corresponds to the  scheduling and  ixed‑path routing whereby the ILP for‑
          GCL); TAS time slots are allocated to high‑priority ST traf‑  mulations are used to  ind near optimal  low to time‑slot
           ic. In our model, the switch/controller computes the TAS  allocations. However, the ILP does not scale well with the
          time slot for all admitted streams as follows. Essentially,  number of  lows, does not provide schedules at runtime
          as streams get registered, we keep track of the available  speeds, and does not work well with dynamic  low con ig‑
          remaining capacity, which we set initially to the maxi‑  uration (or recon iguration). To enhance the architecture
          mum available capacity on each egress port until the load  proposed by Nayak et al. [67], an augmentation is pro‑
          (which depends on the ST slot size and the cycle time  posed in [68] that incrementally adds time sensitive  lows
          is negative, i.e., oversubscribed link). Such a link over‑  to the scheduler making the proposed approach recon ig‑
          subscription invokes a procedure call that increases the  uration capable. Additionally, Nayak et al. [65,66] provide
          slot time (by a step size of 1%, or more  ine‑grained in‑  an analysis and evaluation to the problem of  low‑span
          crements) until the remaining load is positive. This pro‑  and routing protocol (Equal Cost Multi‑Path, and Shorted
          cedure is iteratively called until all registered streams and  Path) on transmission scheduling. Further routing re ine‑
          the new stream are appropriately registered with a suf i‑  ments have been studied in [9,48,49,66,72].
          cient ST slot time to transmit all frames during a single  Focusing on in‑vehicular networks, Hackel et al. [38] have
          appropriately sized CT.                              proposed a SDN based TSN framework that performs
          Our proposed TAS con iguration/recon iguration is de‑  recon iguration using the Stream Reservation Protocol
          signedforthecentralized(hybrid)modelandforthefully‑  (SRP) as a means to register and allocate resources for
          distributed con iguration model. In the “hybrid” model,  TSN streams. The TSN with SDN is evaluated with two
          the CNC is utilized for con iguration exchanges and net‑  TSN switches and two clients (a sources and sink). In
          work side management, as explained in more detail in  contrast, we provide extensive evaluation for larger net‑
          Section 3. In the distributed approach, the GCE slot pa‑  work topologies and sources. Using OpenFlow and open‑
          rameters are con igured in a distributed manner by the  PowerLink, Herlich et al. [41] have provided a proof‑of‑
          switches as per the distributed algorithm/procedure ex‑  concept model that highlights the advantages of TSN with
          plained in Section 4. For brevity we refer to the central‑  SDN and real‑time Ethernet protocol. While the model
          ized network/distributed user model (hybrid model) also  shows promising advantages in theory, only a coarse‑
          as the centralized model or the centralized topology. We  grained evaluation was presented that, in contrast to our
          refer to the fully‑distributed (decentralized) model also  evaluation, does not examine stream admission rates and
          as the decentralized model or the decentralized topology.  TSN QoS. Focusing on remote monitoring and telemetry,
                                                               Kobzan et al. [46] have presented a solution concept and
          1.2 Related work                                     implementation of an SDN based TSN architecture using
                                                               IEEE 802.1Qcc. However, the concept is provided with‑
          We  irst note that general performance evaluation strate‑  out any empirical evaluation. To the best of our knowl‑
          gies for TAS have been explored in [39,50,73] and we fol‑  edge, there are no prior detailed studies on a  luctuating
          low these strategies in our study. Raagaard et al. [51,76]  volatile source or a dynamic stream resource allocation
          have presented a heuristic scheduling algorithm that re‑  and admission control policy in conjunction with a net‑
          con igures TAS switches according to runtime network  work recon iguration policy being executed while  lows
          conditions. Feasible schedules are computed and for‑  are carried in a TAS time scheduled network. We provide
          warded using a con iguration agent (composed of a Cen‑  a comprehensive design and evaluation of an SDN based
          tralized User Con iguration (CUC) and Centralized Net‑  TSN model that bases the speci ication on the standard‑
          work Con iguration (CNC)). Raagaard et al’s model places  ization given by the IEEE 802.1Q standard.
          emphasis on the schedule computation complexity for ap‑  Vlk et al. [87] have proposed a simple hardware enhance‑
          pearing and disappearing synthetic  lows in a fog comput‑  ment of a switch along with a relaxed scheduling con‑
          ing platform. Complementary to this approach, we de‑  straint that increases schedulability and throughput of

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