Page 86 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

          3.2.1   Data storage, integration and exchanges      The Message and Service Bus (MSB) plays a key role in
                                                               this direction. It acts as the mediation middleware be‑
          The  main  sources  of  information  of  the  COG‑LO  frame‑   tween the various components comprising the COG‑LO
          work are the databases of the pilot partners.  They pro‑   ecosystem, and is assigned with the interaction, coordi‑
          vide the core data set, based on which all processes of the   nation and orchestration of COG‑LO components and op‑
          system are executed.  Each data model design, as well as   erations. In that respect, the MSB supports message ex‑
          the storage scheme of each source, is different and out of   change between system entities, circulation of events, in‑
          the scope of the project.  The information integration is   teraction between CLOs. To this end, it facilitates cooper‑
          achieved through data connectors that are implemented   ation within communities of CLOs and creation of ad hoc
          as part of the Message and Service Bus of COG‑LO. They   channels between CLOs by enabling the dynamic estab‑
          are attached to the data sources and they assume the re‑   lishment of message topics.
          sponsibility of transforming source data into the COG‑LO   Another fundamental challenge that the MSB tackles
          data model.                                          is the transformation of platform independent speci i‑
          The core system where the physical data model of COG‑LO   cations of the underlying components operational be‑
          is deployed is the SIoT infrastructure.  The social graph   haviour to the COG‑LO platform‑speci ic model. The MSB
          instantiates  all  virtual  instances  of  the  logistics  objects,   provides for the integration of infrastructure entities and
          which are retrieved from the pilots’ data sources, manip‑   data sources, by means of data connectors.
          ulates them and produces new data, i.e., their social rela‑   In addition, the MSB is the main COG‑LO system entity en‑
          tionships.  The properties of the virtual objects as well as   forcing mechanisms for data security, privacy and trust,
          their interconnections in the social graph are available in   and enabling secureorchestration of COG‑LOcomponents
          real time to the Cognitive Advisor and the CLOs of the net‑   as regards the execution of the necessary data  lows, so
          work.  Various messages are exchanged (i) among CLOs,  that the reference operational scenarios are eventually
          (ii) between CLOs and the Cognitive Advisor and (iii) be‑   ful illed.
          tween  external  event  sources  (e.g.,    ic  Management  The Message and Service Bus provides a set of interfaces
          System) and the Message and Service Bus.  The structure  for the integration with COG‑LO services, components,
          of the messages follows the COG‑LO data model.       applications, as well as with external data sources and in‑
          The implementation of the SIoT data storage relies on the  frastructure entities:
          Apache Ignite platform [24].  It is a memory‑centric dis‑
                                                                 • Entity management: this interface is used for adding,
          tributed  database,  caching  and  processing  platform  for
                                                                   updating or deleting entities participating in the
          transactional, analytical and streaming workloads deliv‑
                                                                   COG‑LO system. It also provides a lookup method for
          ering  in‑memory  speeds  at  petabyte  scale.  The  inher‑
          ent architectural design of Apache Ignite, which employs  getting details of COG‑LO entities.
          a  distributed  approach  for  both  data  storage  and  data  • Messaging: this interface is used by COG‑LO services
          caching,  made  it  a  natural  solution  for  the  implementa‑   and applications for data communication. It also al‑
          tion of the SIoT platform, where several social Cognitive  lows accessing information provided by various data
          Logistics Objects are required to be stored and updated  sources, either internal or external to the COG‑LO
          in distributed fashion and simultaneously.               system.
          The SIoT data infrastructure is organized in a cluster of
          SIoT  peers.  One  SIoT  peer  manages  the  data  related  to  • Data connector: this interface provides a uni ied so‑
          the  VIs  of  the  CLOs  it  is  responsible  for.  Cluster  nodes  lution for accessing information stored in heteroge‑
          discover each  other  automatically enabling cluster scal‑   neous systems, under a common transactional inter‑
          ing when necessary. The nodes are divided into two main  face. It enables data interactions with the rest of the
          categories:  server  and  client.  Server  nodes  are  storage  platform based on the COG‑LO common semantic in‑
          and computational units of the cluster that hold both data  formation model.
          and  indexes  and  process  incoming  requests  along  with  Data sources connected to the COG‑LO platform (e.g., a
          computations.  The platform is based on a durable mem‑   traf ic management system or public train timetables ser‑
          ory architecture that allows storing and processing data  vice) are initially registered to the MSB and data ex‑
          and indexes both in‑memory and on‑disk, ensuring per‑   changes are handled by the corresponing data connec‑
          formance as well as durability.                      tors. Thelatterconsistofasetofdata lows, whichpublish
                                                               data to or ingest data from the platform, effectively hiding
          3.3  Interoperability                                the implementation details of each data source.

          The vastness of virtualized devices but above all the het‑
                                                               3.3.1  Data  low management and orchestration
          erogeneity  of  their  physical  counterparts,  requires  so‑
          phisticated techniques to guarantee a high degree of in‑   AspartoftheMessageandServiceBus, thedata lowman‑
          teroperability in terms of communication and interaction.  agement and orchestration solution enables end users to
                                                               con igure the way COG‑LO components interoperate, in
                                                               order to react to logistics events. It offers a user‑friendly

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