Page 42 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 4 – AI and machine learning solutions in 5G and future networks
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 4

         He is a past Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society,                 Joerg  Widmer    (M’06‐SM’10‐
         Bangalore  Chapter.  He  was  an  elected  member  of  the                F’20) is Research Professor and
         IEEE SPCOM Technical Committee during 2014-19. He is                      Research Director of IMDEA Net‐
         currently  serving  as  a  senior  area  editor  for  the  IEEE           works in Madrid, Spain. Before, he
         TRANSACTIONS  ON  SIGNAL  PROCESSING,  and  as  an                        held positions at DOCOMO Euro‐
         associate  editor  for  the  IEEE  TRANSACTIONS  ON                       Labs in Munich, Germany and
         COMMUNICATIONS  and  the  IEEE  TRANSACTIONS  ON                          EPFL, Switzerland. He was a visit‐
         INFORMATION THEORY.                                                       ing researcher at the International
                                                                                   Computer Science Institute in
                             Nuria  González‑Prelcic  (S’96‐
                                                                                   Berkeley, USA, University College
                            M’00‐SM’17)  is  currently  an  as‐
                                                                London, UK, and TU Darmstadt, Germany. His research
                             sociate professor in the Electrical  focuses on wireless networks, ranging from extremely
                             and  Computer  Engineering  De‐
                                                                high frequency millimeter‐wave communication and
                             partment  at  North  Carolina  State
                                                                MAC layer design to mobile network architectures. Joerg
                            University.   Her  main  research
                                                                Widmer authored more than 150 conference and journal
                             interests include signal processing
                                                                papers and three IETF RFCs, and holds 13 patents. He
                             theory and  signal  processing and
                                                                was awarded an ERC consolidator grant, the Friedrich
          machine  learning  for  wireless  communications:   ilter
                                                                Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von
         banks,  compressive sampling and estimation,  multicar‐
                                                                Humboldt Foundation, a Mercator Fellowship of the
         rier  modulation,  massive  MIMO,  MIMO  processing  for
                                                                German Research Foundation, a Spanish Ramon y Cajal
         millimeter‐wave  communication and sensing,  including
                                                                grant, as well as eight best paper awards. He is an IEEE
         vehicle‐to‐everything  (V2X,  air‐to‐everything  (A2X
                                                                Fellow and distinguished member of the ACM.
          and satellite MIMO communication.  She has published
         more than 80 papers in the topic of signal processing for
         millimeter‐wave  communications.  She  is  an  Editor  for
         the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. She
          is a member of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel
          Signal  Processing  Technical  Committee.  She  was  the
         founder director of the Atlantic Research Center for In‐
          formation and Communication Technologies (atlanTTic
          at the University of Vigo from July 2008 to January 2017.

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