Page 25 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 3 – Internet of Bio-Nano Things for health applications
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 3

          3.3 Energy Harvesting, Power Transfer, and           [138, 143], can be exploited to power the BNTs in an intra‑
               Energy Ef iciency                               body IoBNT. Among the potential EH mechanisms for in‑
                                                               trabody IoBNT, mechanical EH has attracted the most in‑
          Supply,  storage and ef icient use of energy is one of the   terest.  Research in this  ield has gained momentum with
          most crucial challenges towards realizing the envisioned   the  use  of    lexible  piezoelectric  nanomaterials,  such  as
          IoBNT applications. The energy challenge is currently be‑   ZnO nanowires and lead zirconate titanate (PZT), in nano‑
          ing  addressed  through  the  development  of  energy  har‑   generators, enabling energy harvesting from natural and
          vesting  (EH)  and  wireless  power  transfer  (WPT)  tech‑     icial  vibrations  with  frequencies  ranging  from  very
          niques to continuously power BNTs, the development of   low frequencies (< 1 Hz) up to several kHz [144, 145].
          high‑capacity energy storage devices at micro/nanoscale,
          and  the  design  of  low‑complexity  and  energy‑ef icient   Wireless Power Transfer
          communication methods for IoBNT.
          For  BNTs  based  on  engineered  cells,  the  challenge  of   Another way of powering BNTs and IoBNT applications
          energy  management  is  relatively  straightforward,  as   can  be  WPT  from  external  sources.  WPT  has  seen  sig‑
          living  cells  have  been  evolved  over  billions  of  years  to   ni icant advances in recent years due to increasing need
          make  the  most  ef icient  use  of  biochemical  energy  for   for  powering  battery‑less  IoT  devices  as  well  as  wea-
          realizing  vital  functionalities.   Nonetheless,  energy   rable  and  implantable  devices.  Various  forms  of  WPT
          budget  requirements  of  engineered  cells  may  be   have been  considered  for  powering  medical  implants
          extended with the introduction of new computation and   [146,  147].  For  example,  near‑ ield  resonant  inductive
          communication  functionalities  that  are  demanded  by   coupling  (NRIC)‑based WPT, the oldest WPT technique,
          complex  IoBNT  applications.  On  the  other  hand,  there   has  been  in  use  for  widely‑used  implants,  such  as
          are  only  a  few  studies that  consider  the  overall  energy   cochlear implants [148,  149].  Other  techniques  include
          requirements of MC for only very simple scenarios [133,     ield  capaci‑ tive  coupling,  mid ield  and  far‑ ield
          134].  The  problem  is,  of  course,  more  challenging  for   EM‑based  WPT,  and acoustic  WPT.  Power  transfer  via
          arti icial  BNTs,  such  as  those  that  are  made  up  of     ield  capacitive and inductive coupling, however, is
          nanomaterials and missing an inherited metabolism for   only ef icient for dis‑ tances on the order of transmitting
          energy management.                                   and  receiving  device sizes,  and  for  the  right  alignment
                                                               of  devices,  and  there‑  fore,  might  not  be  suitable  for
          3.3.1   Energy Harvesting                            powering  micro/nanoscale  BNTs  [148].  On  the  other
                                                               hand,  radiative  mid‑ ield  and far‑ ield EM‑based WPTs
          Leaving aside the continuous efforts to reduce the com‑   can have looser restrictions depending on the frequency
          plexity  of  communication  methods  for  IoBNT,  such  as   of EM waves.
          modulation  and  detection  techniques  [13],  in  the  hope   Recent research on mm‑wave and THz rectennas suggests
          of  increasing  energy    iciency,  the  most  promising  so‑   the use of high‑frequency EM WPT techniques to power
          lution to enable self‑sustaining IoBNT is the integration   BNTs  [150].  However,  for  intrabody  applications,  the
          of  EH  modalities  into  BNTs.  EH  has  recently  received   higher absorption with increasing frequency and power
          tremendous  research  interest  partly  due  to  the  energy   restrictions  should  be  taken  into  account.  Nonetheless,
          requirements  set  by  emerging  applications  of  IoT  and   simultaneous  wireless  information  and  power  transfer
          IoE. Depending on the application environment and de‑   techniques (SWIPT) utilizing THz‑band have been inves‑
          vice  architectures,  various  natural  energy  sources  have
                                                               tigated for EM nanonetworks [151, 152].  Similar SWIPT
          been  considered  for  harvest  by  IoT  devices  [135,  136].
                                                               applications have been considered for MC, where the re‑
          For example, solar energy, vibration sources, electroma-
                                                               ceiving BNTs use the received molecules for both deco-
          gnetic  sources,  e.g.,  ambient  RF  EM  waves,  and
                                                               ding  the  information  and  energy  harvesting  [153,
          metabolic  sources  have  been  deemed  feasible  for
                                                               154].  There  are  also  applications  of  acoustic  WPT  for
          harvesting  [137].  Concerning  the  intrabody  and  body
                                                               biomedical  implants  using  external  ultrasonic  devices
          area applications, human  body  stands  as  a  vast  source
                                                               [155,  156].  Although  not  implemented  yet,  ultrasonic
          of  energy  in  the  form of mechanical vibrations resulting
                                                               EH  has  been also  considered  for  powering  BNTs  with
          from body movements, respiration, heartbeat, and blood
                                                               piezoelectric   transducers   [157,   158,   125].
           low in vessels, thermal energy resulting from body heat,
                                                               An  interesting  research  direction  in  parallel  with  the
          and  biochemical  energy  resulting  from  metabolic
                                                               wider IoE vision is towards hybrid EH systems that can
          reactions  and  physiological  processes  [138].  Literature
          now  includes  a  multitude  of  successful  applications  of   exploit  multiple  energy  sources.  Prototypes  have  been
          human  body  EH  to  power  miniature  biomedical    implemented  for  ZnO  nanowire‑based  hybrid  cells  for
          devices  and  implants,  such  as  thermoelectric  EH  from   concurrent harvesting of solar and mechanical energies
          body  heat  for  wearable  devices  [139], vibrational  EH   [159], and piezoelectric PVDF‑nano iber NG based hybrid
          from  heartbeats  [140]  and  respiratory  movements   cells for biomechanical and biochemical EH from bodily
          [141]  to  power  pacemakers,  as  well  as  biochemical EH     luids  [160].  A  hybrid  EH  architecture  is  also  proposed
          from  human  perspiration  [142].  These  together  with   for IoE comprising modules for EH from light, mechanical,
          EH  from  chemical  reactions  within  the  body,  such  as   thermal, and EM sources [161].  The same hybrid archi‑
          glucose  uptake,  lactate  release,  and  pH  variations  tectures could be considered for IoBNT as well to main‑

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