Page 28 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

                         Table 1 – Qualitative review of different solutions proposed to achieve seamless communication in MCC.

           Proposed Approach               Analysis Summary                           Shortcoming
                               Technique  Vehicular Computing, V2X, FVC, Edge  • Mobile vehicles cannot act as fog‑enabled
                                          Selection, etc.
           Seamless handover &                                           devices yet.
           service provision   Description  • The proposed solutions are mainly based on fog‑enabled vehicles, FVC, and base stations
                                          to ensure fast and ef icient handover.
           [28, 29, 30, 31, 32]
                                          • Proposed a fog computing platform that enables the allocation and management on the
                                          set of computational resources for executing effectively IoT tasks.
                               Technique  Mixed‑integer quadratic program‑  •Limited to an environment with homogeneous
                                          ming, K‑Means, Caching at edge,  setting.
                                          Proxy‑based and Greedy content
                                          placement algorithm, etc.      • Do not include load balancing management.
           Placement of                                                  • Expensive solutions since caching hardware
           Edge Servers &                                                must be integrated on each edge cloud.
           Base Stations       Description  • The proposed solutions are mainly based on mixed‑integer quadratic programming and
                                          K‑Means algorithms to compute optimal placement locations of edges such that the work‑
           [29, 37, 38, 39]
                                          loads are balanced and the access delay reduced.
                                          • The proxy server is selected based on four parameters, which include the type of host,
                                          the state of the host, the hardware performance of the host and the available amount of
                                          concurrent connections.
                                          • Proposed a homogeneous mobile network with edge caching where the mobile device
                                          fetches coded segments directly from candidate SBSs in ascending order of transmission
                                          distance, if the requested content is cached.
                               Technique  Web worker migration,  machine  • Solution is very limited.
                                          learning, Gradient algorithm, Data  • Mainly suitable for web applications only.
                                          segmentation  Mixed‑integer  non
                                          linear programming, Gaussian ran‑  • Intelligence in fog computing is still
                                          domization, Subgradient algorithm,  in its infancy, and the assumptions made
                                                                         are not realistic yet.
           Reducing Latency &                                            • Lack of accuracy in loss.
           Energy Consumption,                                           • Latency in links is not the only major
           Improvement of                                                parameter to be considered.
           handover QoS        Description  • A hybrid edge and central cloud computing architecture was proposed, including one
                                          macro cell with a Macro Base Station (MBS) and multiple small cells each with an SBS,
           [15, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]
                                          and an iterative algorithm used to solve the combinatorial mixed‑integer and non‑convex
                                          optimization problems.
                                          • Web worker migration techniques and machine learning were proposed to detect user’s
                                          behaviors,  ind optimal servers and make ef icient of loading decision.
                                          • Spatial and channel‑wise reduction units were applied to create a compressed represen‑
                                          tation of the feature tensor which is transmitted to the cloud.
                                          • Energy consumed during the handover process can be reduced by computing the mini‑
                                          mum distance between the UE and the handover BS.
                                          • Subgradient algorithm was applied to compute the minimum latency between links in an
                                          edge and perform resource allocation accordingly.
                               Technique  Finite Horizon Markov Decision  • The solution only reduces the complexity
                                          Process, Ant Colony Optimization,  of the problem.
                                          Divide‑and‑conquer  based  near
                                          optimal placement algorithms, etc.  • Not appropriate for real time systems which
           Data Of loading &                                             require real time performance guarantee.
           Load Balancing                                                • Static algorithm based and suitable
           [46, 47, 48, 49]                                              for batch scheduling only.
                               Description  • Optimal placement (EOPA) and divide‑and‑conquer based near optimal placement algo‑
                                          rithms (DCNOPA) were proposed to ef iciently distribute virtual machine replica copies
                                          (VRCs) of applications to the edge network to reduce high data traf ic in edge networks.

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