Page 39 - FIGI Digital Financial Services security assurance framework
P. 39

8�13 Threat: Malware
            We characterize this general threat as that of elements within the DFS being susceptible to infected by malware.

             Affected Entity  Risks and vulnerabilities      Controls
                            The risks due to  malware attacks and
                            inability to transact, service outages,
                            and unauthorised access to data occur
                            at the Merchant / DFS provider because
                            of the following vulnerabilities:
                            -  Failure to use anti-malware or anti-  C96: Deploy security software products on all mobile devic-
                              virus software is used or updated reg- es, including antivirus, antispyware, and software authen-
                              ularly (SD: Availability)      tication products to protect systems  from current and
                                                             evolving malicious software threats. All software should be
                                                             installed from a trusted source.
                                                             C97:  If anti-malware software is not available, employ MAM
                                                             (Mobile  Application  Management)  or MDM  solutions  that
                                                             can monitor, evaluate, and remove malicious software and
                                                             applications from the device. Furthermore, if possible, it
                                                             is ideal to deploy both anti-malware and MDM solutions
                                                             (mentioned above) to protect the device from malicious
                                                             software and applications.
                                                             C98: Disable unnecessary device functions and install only
                                                             trusted software
                                                             Merchants and DFS providers should disable any commu-
                                                             nication capabilities not necessary for the functioning of
                                                             the payment solution. To avoid introducing new attack vec-
                                                             tors onto a mobile device, install only allow communication
                                                             with trusted software that is necessary to support business
                                                             operations, and to facilitate payment.
                            -  Inadequate collaboration with the  C99: Merchants and DFS providers should require the fol-
                              solution provider on the security of  lowing from their solution provider:
             Third-Party,  DFS
             Provider         mobile devices purchased (SD: Avail-  -  The solution provider should regularly update their pay-
                              ability and Confidentiality)
                                                               ment application and indicate to the merchant when
                                                               updates are available and are safe to install.
                                                             -  The solution provider should have restrictions on their
                                                               payment application so that it only functions on a device
                                                               running approved firmware.
                                                             -  The solution provider should supply documentation that
                                                               details any update procedures the merchant needs to
                                                             -  The DFS solution provider should communicate with the
                                                               DFS provider and make them aware of newly discovered
                                                               vulnerabilities in their payment-acceptance solution.
                                                               Additionally, the solution provider should guide mer-
                                                               chants when new vulnerabilities are discovered, as well
                                                               as provide tested patches for any of these vulnerabilities.
                            -  Open undetected system application  C100: The merchant should work with its solution provider
                              weaknesses (SD: Data Confidentiality) to ensure that any audit or logging capability is enabled.
                                                             The solution provider should ensure that logging capa-
                                                             bilities exist with enough granularity to detect abnormal
                                                             The solution provider should guide the merchant on the
                                                             merchant’s responsibility to review the logs. Additionally,
                                                             regularly  inspect  system  logs  and  reports  for  abnormal
                                                             activity. If abnormal  activity is suspected or discovered,
                                                             discontinue access to the mobile device and its payment
                                                             application until the issue has been resolved. Abnormal
                                                             activities include, but are not limited to, unauthorized
                                                             access attempts, escalated privileges, and unauthorized
                                                             updates to software or firmware.

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