Page 10 - U4SSC Verification Report, Santa Fe, Argentina, November 2020
P. 10

2.      KPI Reporting and Verification Summary

                                          Total         Reported            Verified        % KPIs Verified
                 Core KPIs                 23              23                  23               100 %
                 Advanced KPIs             22              18                  18                82 %
                 Core KPIs                 12              10                  10                83 %
                 Advanced KPIs             5                2                  2                 40 %
             Society & Culture
                 Core KPIs                 19              19                  19               100 %
                 Advanced KPIs             10               9                  9                 90 %

                 Core KPIs                 54              52                  52                96 %
                 Advanced KPIs             37              29                  29                78 %
             Total                         91              81                  81                89 %

            3.      KPI Data Points Reporting and Verification Summary

            Certain KPIs are composed of more than one data point.

            Below is a summary of the verification results of those data points.

                                                                                             % Data Points
                                          Total         Reported            Verified           Verified
                 Core Data Points          24              24                  24               100 %
                 Advanced Data Points      31              26                  26                84 %
                 Core Data Points          23              20                  20                87 %
                 Advanced Data Points      5                2                  2                 40 %
             Society & Culture
                 Core Data Points          19              19                  19               100 %
                 Advanced Data Points      10               9                  9                 90 %
                 Core Data Points          66              63                  63                95 %
                 Advanced Data Points      46              37                  37                80 %
             Total                        112              100                100                89 %

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