Page 7 - U4SSC Factsheet, Valencia, Spain, June 2020
P. 7


              CO 2              Carbon Dioxide
              DER               Distributed Energy Resources
              DRR               Disaster Risk Reduction
              EC                European Commission
              EU                European Union
              EV                Electric Vehicles
              GDP               Gross Domestic Product
              GHG(s)            Greenhouse Gas Emission(s)
              ICT(s)            Information and Communications Technology/Technologies
              IEA               International Energy Agency
              INE               Spain’s National Institute of Statistics
              ITU               International Telecommunication Union
              KPI(s)            Key Performance Indicator(s)
              NO                Nitrogen Dioxide
              O                 Ozone
              OECD              Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
              PHEV              Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
              PM                Particulate Matter (  and  )
              R&D               Research and Development
              SDG(s)            Sustainable Development Goal(s)
              SIB               Sustainable and Intelligent Building
              SME(s)            Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise(s)
              SO                Sulphur Dioxide
              SSC               Smart Sustainable City/Cities
              SUMP              Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
              U4SSC             United for Smart Sustainable Cities
              UIS               UNESCO Institute of Statistics
              UN                United Nations
              UNESCO            United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
              WHO               World Health Organization

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