Page 32 - U4SSC Case study: Re-use of consumer goods and tools loaning, June 2020
P. 32


            Halle 2 provides a long list of positive social impacts by extending the life span of the following items:

            –  Re-usable goods: Goods that are suited for re-use without repairs and upcycling are collected at
                the recycling centres and sent directly to Halle 2.

            –  Electronic devices: The city is cooperating with the social companies Weißer Rabe, ConDrops and
                AnderWerk in order to check the used electronic devices and evaluate if it is possible to repair
                them. Secondly, they are responsible for the obligatory security checks and documenting of the
                results. The devices are sent to the repair shops by AWM. All usable electronic devices will be sold
                afterwards at Halle 2.
            –  Bicycles: The social company Werkstätte für Zweiradmechanik checks and repairs the bicycles, or
                takes used spare parts. The company sells the repaired bicycles in its own shop but is obliged to
                sell a certain number at Halle 2.
            –  Textiles: The social company Nähwerk is responsible for the re-use of clothes. It is a subsidiary of
                the Catholic institution Caritas, which has introduced the nationwide label Einzigware. Einzigware
                is a fashion label that successfully distributes upcycled clothes. Old working clothes from AWM and
                also from Halle 2 staff are given to Nähwerk. Nähwerk also integrates and employs special target
                groups of people.

            Thanks to cooperation with several social companies through Halle 2, the Munich Department of
            Labour and Economic Development integrated a network of social companies in its employment
            and qualification programme. These companies are implementing the local employment initiatives,
            often supported by European Social Funds and are designed to facilitate the integration of target and
            vulnerable groups into the local labour market.

            In addition, Halle 2 is used as an information and participation platform since it provides space for
            exhibitions, music performances, science conferences, lectures, and other events. AWM also organizes
            auctions of second-hand goods every Saturday as a social event. Furthermore, it hosts a functional room
            which offers opportunities for seminars and other public events. It is used for campaigns, auctions,
            repair cafes, upcycling activities and other events to promote re-use and recycling ideas, such as:

            –  Catering: The non-profit organization Regenbogen Arbeit offers beverages and food as a catering
                service for events in Halle 2. The organization gives work perspectives to the long-term unemployed
                and to disabled people.
            –  Repair Cafe: This provides rooms for voluntary activities by Munich citizens. Experts support citizens
                who, for example, bring their bicycle that is in need of repair and give them advice on how to fix
                it. This is completely free of charge, but the participants are expected to donate something to one
                of the Munich social care institutions.
            –  Upcycling: With its Werkraum, Halle 2 offers a room for upcycling workshops for do-it-yourself
                amateurs, as well as for artists, and interested and skilled people. Munich vocational training schools
                cooperate with students of the Social Entrepreneurship Academy.

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