Page 44 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 44

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          features for supporting multiple viewpoints in the   4.2  Viewpoint switching
          OMAFv2  standard  are  described.  These  facilitate
          interactive  content  consumption  and  creative     The OMAFv2 standard provides a versatile tool to
          storytelling.                                        leverage  the  possibility  of  switching  between  the
                                                               different  viewpoints  within  the  same  viewpoint
          4.1  Spatial  relationship  between  multiple        group  or  across  different  viewpoint  groups.
               viewpoints                                      Consequently, there is a possibility to create content
                                                               based on the content creator storyline paradigm, as
          Each viewpoint is represented by a spatial position   well  as  the  user  preference  driven  switching
          with  respect  to  a  common  reference  coordinate   behavior.
          system with a granularity of 10  millimeters in the
          3D space. This allows creating content such as the   4.2.1  Content creator specified switching
          example given in Fig. 5. Having multiple viewpoints   OMAFv1  supports  the  signaling  of  the  default
          in  a contiguous space (such as  a sport game or  a   behavior  information  for  a  viewpoint,  such  as
          performance  on  a  stage)  benefits  by  having  a   specifying  the  initial  viewing  orientation.  This
          common reference coordinate system to ensure the     information  can  be  used  while  starting  with  a
          individual  viewpoint  positions  correspond  to  the   viewpoint  or  after  switching  to  a  new  viewpoint.
          events in the content.                               However, this information may not be sufficient if
          However,  there  are  also  scenarios  where  the    the  VR  content  is  complex  and  comprises  of
          content may consist of some non-contiguous spaces.   multiple viewpoints where not all of them may be
          For  example,  several  viewpoints  which  are  on  a   available for switching at a given time, depending
          sport field, while other viewpoints which cover the   on the storyline needs of the content creator. For
          space outside the stadium or the team locker room.   example, in a scene where there are four viewpoints
          This  is  achieved  by  defining  multiple  viewpoint   (VP1,  VP2,  VP3  and  VP4),  there  may  be  a  scenario
          groups, where only viewpoints in a group share a     where switching from VP1 to VP3 would be possible
          common  reference  coordinate  system.  Fig.  6      only  after  switching  to  VP2.  To  handle  such  a
          illustrates  such  a  scenario  that  comprises  of  four   situation,  OMAFv2  provides  the  content  creator
          viewpoint groups (Stadium, Locker Room 1, Locker     with the tools to specify the switching candidates at
          Room  2,  Stadium  Entrance).  Furthermore,  the     any given time. In addition, the content creator can
          standard  also  supports  viewpoints  which  have  a   specify  if  a  viewpoint  switch  occurs  only  as  a
          dynamic position, such as first-person view from a   temporally  seamless  switch  or  with  a  temporal
          race car or a flying drone.                          offset. Furthermore, a preferred transition effect to
                                                               be  effective  while  switching  between  the  two
          The  standard  enables  also  the  specifying  of  the   viewpoints  may  also  be  specified  by  the  content
          geographical position and rotation offset between    creator.  This  enables  creative  and  interactive
          the geomagnetic North and the common reference       storytelling for VR content.
          coordinate system. This allows any OMAFv2 player
          with geolocation tracker and magnetic compass to     4.2.2  User-preference-driven switching
          be located in the real world.                        The content creator intent is essential for consistent
                                                               experience and storytelling. However, the user choice
                                                               and  exploration  freedom  are  key  aspects  of  a  truly
                                                               immersive  content  experience.  A  scenario  is
                                                               illustrated in Fig. 7 to describe the case of user-driven
                                                               viewpoint  switching  metadata.  The  content  is
                                                               comprised  of  viewpoints  VP1,  VP2  and  VP3,  with
                                                               default initial viewing orientations Vinvo-VPi, where i=1,
                                                               2, 3. In addition, there are three objects of interest O1,
                                                               O2 and O3. The orientation of the user after switching
                                                               from one viewpoint to another viewpoint depends on
                                                               the user’s viewport orientation before performing the
                                                               viewpoint switch. The viewport orientation depends
                                                               on  the  object  of  interest  the  user  is  following.  The
           Fig. 6 – Example content with 4 viewpoint groups (Stadium,   standard  supports  signaling  of  orientations  of  the
              Locker Room 1, Locker Room 2, Stadium Entrance).   object or person of interest while switching from a

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