Page 157 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 157

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          The cover page of ITU-T T.80 [11] is shown in Fig. 10.

                                              Fig. 10 – Title page of ITU-T T.80 [11]
          ITU-T T.80 [11] describes the toolkit (common components) advantages/disadvantages as follows,
               “5.6.1 Toolkit (Common components) concept

               Requirements are to be applicable to practically any kind of continuous-tone multi-level, limited-level,
               bi-level digital source images (i.e. for most practical purposes not to be restricted to images of certain
               dimensions,  colour  spaces,  pixel  aspect  ratios,  etc.)  and  not  to  be  limited  to  classes  of  imagery  with
               restrictions on scene content (such as line drawing and/or text in case of Recommendations T.4 and T.6),
               including complexity, range of colours and statistical properties.

               To achieve the above goal, the concept of using for image compression “Common components” from a
               Toolkit shall be a basic requirement.

               Note – Advantages:
                     –     various requirements of different imaging applications can be satisfied in a flexible way;
                     –     use  of  common  hardware/software  components  when  implementing  imaging  application,
                           make implementation easier and more economical;
                     –     easier harmonization of different imaging for CCITT and ISO/IEC applications;
                     –     easier implementation of interworking among imaging applications;

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