Page 129 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 129

Industry-driven digital transformation

                                                              Figure 7 shows the accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score
                                                              of  the  model  when  it  was  tested  against  100  messages
                                                              containing 50 positive and 50 negative messages.
                                                              The detailed accuracy results with precision, recall and F1-
                                                              score  of  the  complete  classification  module  as  a  whole  is
                                                              given in Table 2.

                                                                   Table 2 – Chat classification module accuracy

                                                                    Chat Classification        Actual
                                                                        Module           Positive    Negative
                                                                             Positive      46           4
                                                                  Predicted   Negative      4           46

                   Figure 6 – Variation of model accuracy
                                                              Table  2  shows  the  actual  and  predicted  classes  for  the
                                                              complete classification module. Special attention was paid to
           As the accuracy of classification increases with the size of the   reducing false negatives. Reducing false negatives has in turn
           training data, it is possible to achieve very high accuracies if   increased the false positives. However, this does not affect the
           the training data can be enriched further with more relevant   overall  objective of the  project as child  safety is not to  be
           data. This  will enable  us to  develop an ideal classification   compromised at any cost. Figure 8 shows the accuracy of the
           model.                                             overall classification module.

           The detailed accuracy results in terms of precision, recall and
           F1-score of the model are given in Table 1.

                      Table 1 – SVM model accuracy

                   SVM Model
                                      Positive    Negative

                        Positive        42           1
                        Negative         8           49
              Table 1 shows that the actual and predicted classes for the
           SVM model. From the results given in Table 1, it is possible
           to  see  that  the  false-positive  prediction  is  very  much  less
           compared  false-negatives.  This  is  acceptable  as  the  main
           objective of this work is to predict any inappropriate intention
           of users involved in chatting.
                                                                  Figure 8 – Accuracy of the classification module

                                                              The  classification  module  was  trained  using  2000  epochs.
                                                              The final accuracy of the classification module is 92%. From
                                                              Figure 8, it  can be  seen that the  accuracy achieved  by the
                                                              proposed  technique  is  comparable  with  that  of  the  other
                                                              existing techniques.

                                                                             6.  CONCLUSIONS

                                                              In  this  paper,  the  authors  have  presented  a  technique  that
                                                              would enable end users to elicit the appropriateness of the

                                                              intention  of  the  chat  messengers.  The  proposed  technique
                                                              consists of multiple stages that work together for identifying
                                                              similar chat messages and group them to enrich the semantic
                                                              content  of  the  messages,  carry  out  disambiguation  for
                  Figure 7 – Accuracy results of the model    semantically  rich  words  contained  in  the  messages,  and
                                                              finally  to  classify  the  messages  as  appropriate  and
                                                              inappropriate. The experiments carried out for verifying the

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