Page 116 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

          individual    is not infected by the virus at time   , and  {   (  )}     as follows,
             (  ) = 0 if individual    is infected by the virus but can-
          not spread the virus, i.e., is in incubation,    (  ) = +1  ℙ{   (  ) = 1 ∣ ℱ }
          if individual    is infected by the virus and can spread                                          (15)
          the virus, and finally    (  ) = −2 if they have recovered   = 1       (  )≠0 (    =−1,0,1  1       (  )=    ⋅      →1 ),
          from the virus or have been isolated already. We call
             (  ) = 0 “inactive” and    (  ) = 1 active.            ℙ{   (  ) = 1 ∣ ℱ }
          The rest of the discussion in this section makes the fol-  =   1       (  )≠0 (  ∑  1       (  )=    ⋅      →−1 ),  (16)
          lowing simplifying assumptions:                                          =−1,0,1
                                                               where whether    (  ) = 0 or not is determined by the
           • States    (  ) and decisions    (  ) do not change  tracing or testing algorithms.
             within a slot.                                    Clearly,   (  ) = {   (  )}  is a Markov process, and if
                                                               we are provided with the values of    (0),    (1),    (2), …,
           • Upon becoming an active spreader, an individual   then our goal is to find the most likely values of   (  ).
             can spread the disease only after the current time-  In order to do this, we might use Markov chain Monte
             slot ends. This might seem to be restrictive, but is  Carlo (MCMC) algorithms such as Gibbs Sampling.
             justifiable since our modeling procedure already in-  Readers may refer to [27] for a review of MCMC al-
             troduces “noise” due to erroneous tracing and test-  gorithms.
                                                               4.1.3 Graph Embedding
           • The spreading probability, denoted as    , is a con-
             stant that is independent of other parameters such  Computing the infection probabilities of individuals di-
             as the values of the states, the number of days one  rectly will be computationally cumbersome, and we can
             has been infected, etc.                           utilize graph embedding [5] techniques in order to find
                                                               suspicious infected individuals. These techniques map
           • After becoming an inactive infected person, at each  the nodes of a graph to points in ℝ , where    is a natural
             time slot the individual becomes active with a prob-  number. If the graph embedding algorithm is properly
             ability equal to    0,1 .                         chosen, then if two points are close in the space ℝ then
                                                               they are also close in the susceptibility graph, so that the
                                                               probability that the virus spreads from one individual to
           • For an active infected person, for every time slot,  the other is high. Note that in the graph each node may
             this individual has a constant probability to get re-  have up to |  | edges, but in the embedded graph, each
             moved. We use    1,−2  to denote this probability.  node only has    coordinates. Since the number of edges
                                                               might be much more than   , performing computations
           • For an individual at state    (  ) =   , it has a  with the embedded coordinates is much more efficient
             constant probability      →    to be tested to be state  than directly working with the original graph.
                (  ) =   .
                                                               5.   SIMULATIONS
          Let ℱ be the filtration generated by (   (  ),    (  ),    ∈
            ,    ≤   ). With the above assumptions in place, we can  In this section, we use a simulation to indicate the ne-
          write the “dynamics” or transition probabilities govern-  cessities of contact tracing and building a contact graph.
          ing   (  ) = {   (  ))}     as follows,              Contact tracing is an essential technique for finding po-
                                                               tential infectious people. A commonly employed naive
                                                               contact tracing technique is to trace and test only those
            ℙ{   (   + 1) = 2 ∣ ℱ }                            who have had contact with a confirmed positive person.
              = 1       (  )=−2  + 1       (  )=1  ⋅    1,−2 ,  (11)  We call this simple and intuitively appealing contact
            ℙ{   (   + 1) = 1 ∣ ℱ }                            tracing policy as Policy 1. However, this method may
              = 1       (  )=1 (1 −    1,−2 ) + 1       (  )=0  ⋅    0,1 ,  (12)  not be optimal, especially under circumstances when a
            ℙ{   (   + 1) = 0 ∣ ℱ }                            sizeable proportion of the population is infected. To
                                                               see why this might be the case, consider the scenario
              = 1       (  )=0  ⋅ (1 −    0,1 )                when two people are waiting to get tested. The first
              + 1       (  )=−1 (1 −  ∏  (1 −    (  ))),  (13)  person had a close contact with a confirmed infected
                                                               person, while the second person did not have any such
                               ∶(  ,  )∈ℰ,      (  )=1         close contact with a confirmed infected person; but did
            ℙ{   (   + 1) = −1 ∣ ℱ }                           closely contact 500+ untested people (for example this
              = 1 − ℙ{   (   + 1) = 1, 0, or − 2 ∣ ℱ },  (14)  person works in a supermarket). Policy 1 will suggest to
                                                               us to test the first person; however, when a significant
          and the dynamics or transition probabilities of   (  ) =  proportion of the population (e.g., 1%) are positive, in
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