Page 9 - FIGI: Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
P. 9

1  Acronyms and Abbreviations

            This report uses the following abbreviations:
            2FA          Two factor Authentication
            ABFT         Asynchronous Byzantine fault Tolerance
            ADR          Alternative Dispute Resolution
            Altcoin      Alternative Coin
            AML          Anti-Money Laundering
            BaaS         Blockchain-as-a-Service
            BFT          Byzantine fault Tolerance
            BIP          Bitcoin Improvement Proposal
            CBDC         Central Bank Digital Currency
            C&S          Clearing and Settlement
            DAG          Directed Acylic Graph
            DAO          Decentralized autonomous organization
            DApps        Decentralized Applications
            Ddos         Distributed Denial of Service
            DeFi         Decentralized Finance
            DFC          Digital Fiat Currency
            DFS          Digital Financial Services
            DEX          Decentralized Exchange
            DL           Distributed Ledger
            DLT          Distributed Ledger Technology
            ERC-20       Ethereum Request for Comment 20
            EVM          Ethereum Virtual Machine
            FinTech      Financial Technology
            FATF         Financial Action Task Force
            ICO          Initial Coin Offering
            ID           Identity
            IoT          Internet of Things
            KYC          Know Your Customer
            POC          Proof of Concept
            POET         Proof of Elapsed Time
            POS          Proof of Stake
            POW          Proof of Work
            RCL          Ripple Consensus Ledger
            RegTech      Regulatory Technology
            SC           Smart contract
            SEC          Securities and Exchange Commission
            SegWit       Segregated Witness
            SWIFT        Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
            TPS          Transactions Per Second
            AML/CFT      Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

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