Page 15 - FIGI: Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
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            4�1  What is Distributed Ledger Technology?        tained through synchronization of the nodes, so that
            Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a new type   the information on each node precisely matches
            of secure database or ledger that is replicated across   each other node. In blockchain terms, adding blocks
            multiple sites, countries, or institutions with often no   to a chain is called ‘mining’. In public blockchains, a
            centralized controller. In essence, this is a new way   reward system has been established to incentivize
            of keeping track of who owns a financial, physical, or   miners to efficiently place these blocks on a chain.
            electronic asset.                                    Because of the computer processing power often
               The concept of DLTs emerged from the introduc-  required to do so, mining activity is often provided
            tion of the ‘blockchain’ in 2008-2009  through the   by large mining ‘pools.’ Because nodes are often
            launch of the crypto-currency  Bitcoin.  Bitcoin’s   anonymous, there is said to be a need for ‘consen-
            decentralized transaction authentication rests on   sus’ between the nodes before a mined block can be
            blockchain approaches: It records in a digital ledger   added to a chain. The veracity of the data within a
            every transaction made in that currency in identical   new block is not checked though: just that the block
            copies of a ledger which are replicated – distributed   itself is able to be added. 15
            - amongst the currency’s users - nodes - on a chain   The types of consensus mechanisms are outlined
            of data blocks.                                    in Annex A, with the majority using the resource and
               DLT is commonly used as a term of art by those   power-intensive ‘proof of work’ (POW) mechanism
            in the technology development community as the     first outlined in the Bitcoin blockchain. Many DLTs
            generic high-level descriptor for any distributed,   are moving towards the more energy efficient Proof
            encrypted database and application that is shared   of Stake (POS) consensus protocol and its variants.
            by an industry or private consortium, or which is   Where the technology allows, a consensus mecha-
            open to the public.  Blockchain is one – but the most   nism will often be chosen to reflect the task of the
            popular - of types of DLT. Distributed refers then to   DLT, for example to ensure payment finality in a cen-
            the ‘nodes’ – as they are called in blockchain - while   tral bank DLT, who often use DLTs based on Byzan-
            decentralized refers to the control/governance.    tine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus type.
            Where the nodes are unknown, the DLT system is       The  manner in which consensus for proposed
            said to be ‘trustless.’ Both concepts have risk and   changes to the ledger is reached defines the type
            security components to them, discussed below.      of blockchain.  If the process is open to everyone -
               DLTs generally integrate a number of innovations   such as with Bitcoin  - then the ledger is said to be
            which include: database (ledger) entries that can-  ‘permissionless’, and the DLT has no owner. If par-
            not be reversed or otherwise modified, the ability to   ticipants in that process are preselected, the ledger
            grant granular permissions, automated data synchro-  is said to be ‘permissioned.’  Permissionless block-
            nization, rigorous privacy and security capabilities,   chains allow any party without any vetting to partic-
            process automation, and transparency, such that any   ipate in the network, while permissioned blockchains
            attempts at changes to entries will notify others. Its   are formed by consortiums or an administrator who
            primary disruptive attribute is that it is decentralized   evaluate the participation of an entity on the block-
            and therefore not dependent on a central controller   chain framework.  These may also be public  or pri-
            or storer of the data.                             vate. The sharing data can be controlled, depending
               The nodes in a blockchain eliminate the need for   on the blockchain type. That is, while data may be on
            third party intermediaries in favor of distribution of   the blockchain, it may only be visible to (and/or edit-
            the data across participant nodes. This means that   able for) those with an appropriate cryptographic
            every participant node can keep - share - a copy of   key. Layers of permissions for different types of users
            the blockchain. The blockchain updates the nodes   may be necessary. There are hybrid iterations though,
            automatically every time a new ‘transaction’ occurs.   with some privacy-type components for DLTs called
            Accuracy of the information added to blocks is main-  zero-knowledge proofs being built atop even the

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