Page 20 - FIGI Digital Financial Services Consumer Competency Framework
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             1�6 Understand what is personal data and the risks to personal data
             To understand how data will be used. To understand the risks related to sharing personal information, and protect one-
             self and others from risks.
             Knowledge Area            CA1.6-K1 Know that data is a valuable source of information which might be subject to
                                       theft and can cause potential harm to the individual.
                                       CA1.6-K2 Know that data can be collected and shared without the authorization from
                                       the individual and might be used for a different purpose other than the one initially
                                       CA1.6-K3 Know not to disclose any personal information about one’s DFS account .
                                       CA1.6-K4 Know that personal data can be sold and used by third parties for targeted
                                       CA1.6-K5 Know your rights under existing data protection and privacy laws.
                                       CA1.6 -K6 Know what personal data will be collected by the DFS provider and the
             Skills Area               CA1.6-S1 Understand what data is being collected, how it will be used, and what
                                       options one has regarding such use, how long the information will be retained and
                                       whether the data will be disclosed to third parties,  and how users can enforce their
                                       CA1.6-S2 Understand what informed consent is, how and when to consent and how it
                                       can be withdrawn .
                                       CA1.6-S3 Understand that data (such as financial data) can be collected and result in
                                       the provision (or denial) of DFS. [For gender sensitivity: Understand that such infer-
                                       ences can be gender biased and therefore condition the access of women to DFS].
                                       CA1.6 -S4 Understand the extent to which customer data will be shared with third par-
                                       ty service providers.
             Proactive steps           CA1.6-P1 Make informed choices based on the evaluation of the risks to personal data.
                                       CA1.6-P2 Responsibly protect one’s and other’s personal data when using DFS
                                       CA1.6–P3 Deny the DFS provider permission to collect sensitive information not nec-
                                       essary for the service being offered.
                                       CA1.6–P4 Critically evaluate what information are you share.

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